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Help us continue our mission of helping others find God real in everyday life. Your every dollar will be used to help transform thousands of lives worldwide through our Online Bible Studies, podcasts, media, resources, and conferences.

Living Revelations Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization. You can also give by check to 2582 Maguire Rd #223, Ocoee, FL 34761
Your donation will help us establish and distribute our…

Online Bible Studies
Reaching over
girls from over

Podcasts and Videos
From 2018-2022
email inboxes reached weekly and online reaching

Social Media Posts
Reaching around
people monthly

Acts Study Guide Book in the making and other resources

Discover Your Purpose Conference
people reached and
countries tuning in
Single but in a Relationship with God 4-Day Devo
people completed the devo on the YouVersion Bible App
Will you partner with our vision to see lives transformed?