Practice The Foundational Things

by | Jun 2, 2022

If we want to stay faithful and end strong, we need to practice the foundational things daily. Only by obeying God’s ways can we live life to the fullest.

I used to follow anyone on social media who I felt was “fashionable,” and watch their vlogs even when I knew they had some outfits that were not modest and had lust in their hearts. However, God has and still is reminding me of the importance of guarding my heart.

When we fix our eyes on things that are dark, we can easily accept things that are dark and lose sensitivity to the pure heart of Jesus. Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:17, “Join together in following my example, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.” If God is telling us to fix our eyes on those who live like Jesus, then that means fixing our eyes on those who don’t live like Jesus will bring harm to us.

It’s time we filter who we choose to follow on social media, who we choose to watch on YouTube, etc. One of the ways to guard our hearts is to guard what we see.

Who are you following? Are you choosing to follow those who live like Jesus?

If we want to finish strong, we need to make the choice every day to live our best for Jesus. Let’s make a commitment to choose righteousness every day.

Living a righteous life is living the BEST life. There’s nothing better outside of living a righteous life unto Jesus. God promises us that those who pursue righteousness and love will find life, prosperity, and honor. We live in such a time where temptation is everywhere through technology like our phones and social media. Now is the time to be all the more intentional about pursuing righteousness and guarding what we see.

In order for us to live out God’s Word, we need to meditate on His Word throughout the day. It can be easy to let our thoughts be consumed by other things like work, family, and the posts and ads we see on social media. But we must be intentional to fix our gaze on Jesus and His Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), so when we meditate on the Word, we meditate on life itself, who is Jesus.

Though many things are fighting for our attention, let us keep our affection towards Jesus and His Word. If you need to set reminders to meditate on the Word throughout the day, do it! Let God’s Word drive you to love Him with all your heart each and every day.

How can you better meditate on God’s Word each day?

The best way to bind the Word of God in our hearts is to meditate on it. Proverbs 6:22 promises that, as we bind the Word of God on our hearts, it will guide us when we walk, watch over us as we sleep, and speak to us when we are awake.

The only way to experience life to the fullest is to live according to God’s ways. You will never regret obeying God’s Word. My greatest regrets in life have always been the times I did not obey God’s Word. Proverbs 6:23 reminds us that God’s Word is a lamp, and correction and instruction are the way to life.

Let us choose every day to practice the foundational things that allow us to live in Christ and obey Him. There’s no better version of our lives than a life that pleases God. So remember, practice the foundational things.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for guiding me with your Word. Help me to practice obeying it daily.

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