You Are Seen

by | Aug 25, 2021

While insecurity may seem innocent, it is not a thought that comes from God. God doesn’t see you in a negative way, nor does He want you to see yourself in a negative way. You are seen and loved by the Most High God.

We can be our own greatest critic, especially when negative thinking becomes our pattern of thought. I grew up constantly being compared to others, so comparison became a habit for me. It got very toxic to a point where I would look at myself in the mirror and my own pictures and see myself as ugly. I was so consumed with what I saw as “flaws” that I couldn’t see any beauty in me. God had to work in my heart in the past years to renew my mind for me to see myself as He sees me – beautiful and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

As I read this passage, God showed me that He made me, and because He made me, I am His beautiful creation. What I saw as flaws are God’s masterpiece. I had to tell myself every day that I was beautiful until I truly believed it when I saw myself. I knew I was living with a renewed mind the moment I was able to embrace my beauty.

What area in your life are you feeling insecure about?

Comparing ourselves to others will only lead us to see ourselves as imperfect and less than. The comparison trap is a tactic of the enemy that leads to insecurity and prevents us from seeing ourselves as God sees us.

Solomon in Song of Solomon 6:8-9 says to his to-be wife, “Sixty queens there may be, and eighty concubines, and virgins beyond number; but my dove, my perfect one, is unique…” Just as Solomon saw his to-be wife as perfect and unique, God too sees us as His perfect and unique beloved one.

Insecurity is a toxic thought that should not be tolerated. When we have thoughts that we aren’t good enough, we are not seeing ourselves as God sees us. God tells us in His word that we are loved, wanted, capable, and valuable. He wants us to be confident in who we are in Him. God took the time to make each of us, and because He made us, we are all beautiful, unique, and perfect. We may have weaknesses, but through Christ we can do all things.

Will you choose to see yourself as God sees you?

Not for a single moment does He not know where you are or what your thoughts are. You are always on His mind and in His sight. He is familiar with all your ways (Psalm 139:3). God knows everything about you because He cares so much about you.

All of us were intricately made by the hands of God. God poured out His heart in making each of us. The world may try to make us feel less than, but let us hold on to the truth that we are loved and wonderfully made.

When insecurity arises, look to Jesus and not yourself. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you a greater revelation of how much Jesus loves you. You are special to Him. You are His beloved child, the apple of His eye, the centerpiece of His heart.

When we are rooted in God’s love, nothing in this world can shake us.

The next time insecurity creeps in, remember that you are valued by God. Don’t tolerate any thought that says you are not noticed or loved, because God sees you. This is the time for you to step into your identity as a child of God with confidence. So remember, you are seen.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for making me beautiful. Help me to see myself as you see me.

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