A New Year and a Better You!

by | Feb 9, 2015

Happy New Year Everyone! Can you believe it’s 2014 already? I’m sure may of you have made your new years resolutions for this coming year. New years is a great time to look back through last year and acknowledge God’s blessings in your life. It’s also a perfect time to analyze ourselves. What are some weaknesses that you learned about yourself from the past year? What can you do this year to be a better person? It’s important to stop and analyze yourself to see where you are at in life.  Making goals and dedicating yourself to them is what will strive you to a successful year. It’s so easy to let a goal just be a goal without resulting to any accomplishments. I know I made some new years resolutions back in 2013 that never got accomplished, and I’m sure this has happened to others as well. Here are some tips that I’ve learned that will make your goals for this year turn into a success!


1. Take the first step and take action! Goals are’t goals without action. Start working on your goals now. Sometimes we tend to think of goals as something for the long run, when really goals require action now. Take it a step at a time, but the most important thing it to take the first step.


2. Learn from yourself and others. Learn from the mistakes you made last year and be better! Listen to others and learn from their mistakes as well. Getting wisdom from others is great because you learn without having to go through the mistakes and troubles they went through. The key is striving to be a better person than yesterday.


3. Remind and Analyze. It’s important to constantly remind yourself of your goals and to analyze where you are at with them. It’s so easy to let the days pass by without us realizing. The next thing you know, a year has passed by and your goals aren’t accomplished. I would recommend getting a planner or notebook and making it a habit to go over your goals every night.


I believe one goal that everyone should have is to be closer to God than last year. To grow in him each and everyday. We will never reach perfection in our relationship with God. There’s always more we can learn, and more we can grow our love and faith to him. Deuteronomy 4:29 says, “But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Let’s make our goal to seek God more and more everyday. I know this is one of my top goals for the year.


We will never be perfect people, but striving to be one is never a bad thing. So remember, make this year a better you!YOUTUBE Video: A New Year and a Better You! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBkzk8MAFRQ

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