Are You a Cover Up?

by | Aug 3, 2015

Have there been times when you did something on the outside, but on the inside you really did not want to do it? Saying a lot of yes’s on the outside but many no’s on the inside? Our good outward actions can easily fool us to believe that what we are doing is right and even good for God, but have you ever stopped to consider if you were being a cover up?

I am the type of person that does not like to disappoint others as well as God, so if there is even a slight possibility of me saying yes to any request that is asked before me, I most likely will say yes. But that yes comes with complaints and a grumbling heart filled with why’s and no’s. It was then that I stumbled upon a simple short verse that opened my own eyes:

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure..”(Philippians 2:14-15).

From this verse, it made me realize that I do almost everything with grumbling or arguing – which is the total opposite of what God has called me to do. I always took the time to check my actions, but I never took the time to check my heart. Besides checking your actions, have you taken the time to check your heart?

God calls us to do everything without grumbling. That word everything includes the times when we don’t deserve to go through it, the times when it is not convenient for us, and anything else that has a great reason for us to grumble about. God’s glory can only shine on us and others when our hearts resemble what our hands do.

My one friend one told me that as mature christians, we have learned how to control ourselves and hide our emotions. We have trained ourselves to show ourselves godly on the outside, but what about the inside? Because the inside is what matters to God.

Our actions do not define our hearts. It is our hearts that define our actions.

It can be easy to put on a mask and not even realize it. Be careful of doing good things but wearing a mask that hides the ugliness of your heart. Instead of covering up youtself, admit your faults to God because he is the only one that can transform you. No one is perfect and it is ok to have a grumbling heart at times, but as soon as we realize it, we must allow god to transform us so that his glory can shine through our actions.

A mask may protect and cover you up temporarily, but it will never transform you into who you want to be. Take off your mask and trust that Jesus can transform your heart. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord.”

To be able to experience God’s glory and be truly transformed, we must remove the masks that we put across our face and unveil our faces to God. Instead of thinking that the mask is the solution, focus on fixing your heart. Open yourself up and allow the holy spirit to transform you so that his glory may shine one you and every action you do. So remember, do not be a cover up, but rather cover yourself up with God’s glory.

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