Are You Ready For Heaven?

by | Jun 6, 2016

Many of us day dream about heaven. Heaven is known as a place of paradise, filled with happiness and joy for eternity. Who wouldn’t be excited for heaven? But heaven is more than just a place where we will be happy and have eternal life. In fact, the best part of heaven isn’t even that! So, are you ready for heaven?

My bible teacher asked us in class, “Why do you think people do good things on Earth? Why do you they try so hard to please God?” She told us that the majority of peoples’ responses were “to go to heaven.”

Inside my head I was thinking, wow, a lot of people must be excited to go to heaven. But the question we must ask ourselves is do we know what heaven is all about? Do we know what’s the main purpose of heaven? Yes heaven will be beautiful, and yes it will be like paradise, but the main purpose of heaven is to be united with God.

It’s a place where we will finally get to meet our Lord face to face and to sing praises of his glory all day long – that’s the beauty of heaven.

The beauty of heaven is to be in the presence of our Lord.

The most exciting part of heaven isn’t having eternal life, but having eternal life with our Lord. We should be using the life we have now to prepare ourselves for heaven. If you’re not excited about getting in the presence of God now, what makes you think you will enjoy heaven?

Revelation 7:9-10 paints a picture for us of what heaven will be like. It says, “..there before me was a great multitude that no one could count.. standing before the throne and before the lamb..And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the lamb.”

Heaven will be filled with our praises to God. We will spend all our days in his glory, worshipping him all day long. Are you ready for that? Have you taken the time on this earth to know your God? Are you ready to meet him face to face? If going to church is already a dread for you, then that means you have not truly seen the beauty of Jesus in your life.

God doesn’t want us to seek only eternal life, but to desire to be one with him on earth and in heaven. Jesus himself prayed to God asking that we may be one in him. John 17:20-21 says, “..I pray also for those who will believe in me..that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us..

I encourage you to surrender your life to him and to take the time to dig in the Bible to know him more. Knowing God will be the best investment you can ever make. I guarantee you that once Jesus has been made real to your life, you will taste and see his goodness. Psalm 24:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good..”

If there’s anything good about heaven, it’s getting the chance to be with the Lord in eternity. Don’t wait for heaven to see his beauty, seek for his beauty in your life now. His presence is with us now, but in heaven it will be our spirits that will dwell with him. Satan will no longer exist, and our God will reign forever. So remember, get ready for heaven.

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