Believe Despite What You See

by | Nov 11, 2019

Miracles are a real thing that only God can do. We will face impossible situations that will challenge our belief in what God has spoken. In those moments we can settle for common sense or believe for a miracle to happen. Will you believe despite what you see? 

I was head over heels when I found I was pregnant summer of 2018. My long dream of being a mom was finally here. I was scared because my husband and I were in debt and living paycheck to paycheck. This was not an ideal place to be when having a child, but I knew God would always be there for us.

I had confidence that God would help us as new parents, however, heartbreak came so unexpectedly. I found out I had miscarried.

The joy I once had was shattered.

I called out of work for the next 4 days and asked God, “Why me? God, it’s my fault, I will never be a mother.” As I turned to Him for comfort, I heard a whisper, “You will have a beautiful baby boy, you will bear children.

My pain was exchanged with hope and love. The question became, will I believe the doctors or what Jesus says?

I chose Jesus.

I felt a burden to share with my community that I had faith I was pregnant. 2 weeks later I went to the doctors again to find that the miscarriage was confirmed.

I began to feel dumb for having faith that I was pregnant. My community of believers stepped in and reminded me about the promise God had given me about a baby boy. I went to the ER 3 days later after being confirmed for having a miscarriage and the doctor came back to tell me I was indeed pregnant.

Now a year later I have a beautiful 4-month-old baby boy. The whisper and promise of God have been fulfilled.

This kind of miracle isn’t new to God. We see in Genesis that God had promised Abraham and Sarah a child, even though Sarah was past child-bearing age.

Hebrews 11:11 says, “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.”

Our job is to believe, God’s job is to do the impossible.

I could have simply believed what the doctors have said and not believed in what God had spoken, but I chose to have faith. The power of God came into my life, just as it happened to Sarah in the Bible.

We must have child-like faith to believe in the impossible.

What promises has God spoken to you? Will you hold on to those promises despite what you see?

When life seems to be falling apart and nothing seems to go your way, know that Jesus still remains. Jesus is always with you and he hears your cries.

You may say, “I am all alone”, but He says “no you’re not.”

James 4:8 reminds us that as we draw near to Him, He draws near to usDo not swallow up the pain but let it out into the arms of God. Allow Him to speak into your situation and believe His very words.

Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Do not be afraid to be vulnerable with the community that God has placed you in. He never called us to live a lonely life. I am grateful that I had a community to remind me of what God had spoken. God wants us to have community with one another. Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep”.

Draw near to God and your community. You’re not on this journey alone. You have a mighty God who is with you and for you. He is able to move the mountains in your life and bring His promises to pass. So remember, believe despite what you see.

Follow Valentina Restrepo and her journey with Malachi on Instagram: @mrsvalrestrepo
Watch the testimony of her baby Malachi:

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