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A Reason To Praise God

A Reason To Praise God

"I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips." (Psalm 34:1) When times are tough, there might seem to be no reason for you to praise God. But no matter how bad your situations may be, you still have a reason to praise God because he...

What’s Your Plan?

What’s Your Plan?

Life is like one giant puzzle that we all strive to figure out. We have big goals and dreams, but where do we start? How do we get from where we are now to what we want to become? How can we be sure that our plans will work out? What's your plan? I don't know about...

A Love That Fuels

A Love That Fuels

We all desire to love others, but why is it that at times we find our love to be dry? Loving people can be exhausting if we are fueling our love from the wrong source. What source are you fueling your love with? There have been times when I found myself...

A Past That Can Be Erased

A Past That Can Be Erased

We all have past mistakes that we would love to erase from our lives. Unfortunately, in this world our mistakes cannot be erased; they are either marked in our records or written in people's minds. However the good news is, through Jesus we can have a past that can be...

What Price Tag Have You Put On Jesus?

What Price Tag Have You Put On Jesus?

We all set "mental" price tags on the things we have because everything has its own value. The price tags we set show how much things are worth to us. The more we spend time on something probably means it is worth more than the things we spend less time on. But...

He Pursues You

He Pursues You

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" (Luke 15:4) We all desire to be pursed with love, but there is no one on this earth who can pursue us as...

Are You Focusing On The Right Thing?

Are You Focusing On The Right Thing?

We all have the choice of where we place our focus and attention to in life. There are many responsibilities, tasks, and relationships that we value, but which should we focus on? Your choice of focus will determine whether you will have a life that is desirable, or...

The Lord Is Your Strength

The Lord Is Your Strength

"I love you Lord, my strength." (Psalm 18:1) We all will face many trials in life, each one more unbearable than the one before. There will come a time when you will realize that your strength isn't strong enough to get you through the struggle. Even asking God to...

The Beauty Of Waiting

The Beauty Of Waiting

Many of us live in a world that exposes us to the joy of instant gratification. We all want things now and hate the waiting game. Whether it be waiting in traffic or waiting 1 minute for the internet to go on, we simply hate waiting. But, there is beauty in waiting....


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