Called To Shine

by | Aug 9, 2022

We are called to shine Jesus in this dark world and be the light of the world. It’s comfortable to be like those around us, but we are called to shine.

God longs to shine through us so that HE may be known. In order for Him to shine through us, we have to be willing to stick out in the crowd by speaking and living out truth in love.

The enemy will try to diminish our light by enticing us to idolize the things of this world rather than Jesus. The enemy is crafty in that he tempts us to tolerate sins that may seem small, but if we continue to allow the enemy to diminish our light, we will end up being in the dark just like the world.

When we tolerate selfish ambition, we diminish our light.
When we choose to partner with lust, we diminish our light.
When we choose to love the attention of the world and not love God with all our soul, heart, and mind, we diminish our light.
When we choose to pursue things for our own fame and glory and not God’s glory, we diminish our light.

When we choose sin, we choose to hide the beautiful gift God has given us which is to glorify Him.

Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world….Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Life isn’t about getting people to know us, but about getting people to know Jesus.

Our culture is driven toward fame, but fame will never satisfy us. It will only leave us wanting more and draws us further from Jesus. Only living a life that pleases Jesus can truly satisfy us because He made us to be satisfied only by Him. 

Selfish ambition and greed leave no room for our hearts to love God. We either love God with all our heart or we love our selfish desires. Let us be the ones that leave no room for selfish ambition and greed to exist in our hearts. 

Will you choose to shine Jesus and be the light of the world?

When we surrender our lives to Jesus, we find life because Jesus is life. It’s not perfect conditions or materialistic things that will bring us joy, but an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus. It’s finding Him in our lives that brings us life. 

Not only do we have eternal life with Jesus, but also an abundant life here on earth. In Jesus, we find a life filled with no fear, anger, insecurity, depression, and any other negative thing. Jesus says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

To find Jesus will require us to say no to certain things in this world and will call us to a life of sacrifice, but following Jesus is the only way for us to find the abundant life our heart so desires. 

Does Jesus have ALL of your heart? He is looking for lovers that will love Him with all their heart, soul, and mind (Matt. 22:37). Temptations will come to draw our affections away from the heart of Jesus. This is when we have to look back at Jesus and remember that there is nothing more beautiful than Him.

When anger, worry, jealousy, doubt, or lust arises, let’s look back at the one who is light. In Christ, all darkness leaves because He is the light of all mankind (John 1:4).

Let us not mix Jesus with our old self that Jesus has set us free from. Only in Jesus can we shine and be the light of the world. 

Is there anything in your life that is diminishing the light of Jesus?

Anything that isn’t Jesus cannot bring truth, hope, and light because only Jesus is the light of all mankind (John 1:4). 

There is only one truth, hope, and light in this world and that is Jesus. Our good deeds alone without Jesus cannot shine because they are temporary and impure.

We NEED a Savior which is why Jesus came to die and shed His blood for us to make us in right standing with God. We were all born into sin, but in Christ, we now are raised to life and are a NEW creation (2 Cor. 5:17).

Let us be like John the beloved who was so fixed on knowing Jesus. John was willing to lay down his life to know Jesus and was the only disciple at the crucifixion of Jesus. John didn’t care about the titles and about being the greatest. He just wanted to be the closest to Jesus. He was content with the title, the One whom Jesus loves.  John 13:23-24 says, “One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him…”

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus who alone is pure and make Him our role model. We must be so dead to our own desires, passions, and pursuits and pick up Christ’s will for our lives. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me…” ‭So remember, you are called to shine

Prayer: Jesus, remove anything or anyone from my life that is diminishing Your light. I pray that my eyes will be fixed on You and You alone. 

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