Can What Is Dead Be Brought To Life?

by | Jul 17, 2017

Can what is dead be brought to life? I’m not just talking about physical death, but spiritual death as well. When we’ve hit rock bottom, it can seem hopeless to get up and try again. But no matter how dead you may be, God can still bring you back to life.

I’ve hit rock bottom before. Not once. Not twice. But too many times.

And maybe you have too.

When life gets hard, it’s easy to feel hopeless and even give up completely as if we were truly dead. But just because we have been tossed and turned too many times does not mean God can’t turn things around for our good.

If God was able to raise Jesus from the dead and bring him back to life, what makes us think God couldn’t bring our hopeless life back to life? If God can bring life to what was physically dead, he sure can bring life to those who are spiritually dead.

Psalm 88:10 says, “Do you show wonders to the dead? Do their spirits rise up and praise you?” In this verse we find a soul who has been overwhelmed with grief and blinded by faith, asking God if he could still do wonders for the dead. You might be asking God that same question today, well that answer is yes – God can bring all who are dead back to life

No matter how dead or hopeless you may be, God can do wonders with your life and turn it around for your good and his glory. What makes God amazing isn’t his power to turn what is already good and make it great, but his power to turn what is dead and make it alive.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 says, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?..But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our victory lies in the hands of Christ. When we surrender our lives to Christ and make him our Lord and Savior, we will always find victory at the end of our battles.

From the very beginning, God breathed life into dust which created you and me (Genesis 2:7). If God could turn dust into life, he surely can bring your hopeless situations back to life. It’s never too late for God to work his wonders into your life. God can work his miracles anytime and anywhere for you.

If you are you facing a dead end, will you put your trust in God’s almighty power? There is only one thing that can change your life and that is God. Follow God in where he takes you and trust that he will turn your life back around.

Stop proclaiming your hopelessness and start proclaiming God’s faithfulness. 

Now is the time to proclaim that God is able over whatever situation you may be facing. God is able to use your life regardless of what you’ve done and is able to do wonders to a life that was once dead. Nothing can stop God’s love and power from saving you except yourself. If you will allow God to save you, he will.

Psalm 88:1 says, “Lord, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you.” Call upon God and know that he is your God who loves and saves. God has special plans for you and is here to bring you back to life. So remember, what is dead can be brought to life.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are a God who saves. No matter how hopeless my life may be, you have the power to bring it back to life.

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