Captivating Your First Love

by | Feb 9, 2015

Life is full of many obligations that tend to keep us busy from morning to night. By the time the day is over, many of us find ourselves all worn out and ready for bed. Despite our busy lives, it is always important to remind ourselves to grow our relationship with God. It may seem like a struggle at times to save the time to read and meditate the word of God, but if we love Jesus this should come as one of our first priorities in life. Ask yourself this: Are you still falling in love with God? If we are in love with Jesus, having a relationship with him should be our truest desire. It is important to keep that fire of love for Jesus lighted up in our hearts. Focus on loving Jesus and the rest of your life will come through together. 

Being busy with the duties in this world can make it easy for us to forget about Jesus unless we need him during our times of struggles. But growing strong in Jesus during our good times is necessary because when the tough times come, we will be equipped and strong to face our problems with Jesus on our side. Love is not an easy thing to grow- it takes time to grow.

To love Jesus means we need to have a growing relationship with him. Just like any other relationship we have with our loved ones (children, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, family), it requires dedicating our time with them which also applies to our relationship with Jesus. Love takes work and effort, but before focusing on the work, focus first on simply loving Jesus. When you focus on wrapping your hearts to Jesus, the desire to know him more will stay with you. Knowing Jesus is not the final stage of our Christian life. There’s always more we can learn and grow our love to him.

Jeremiah 31:3 says, “The Lord appeared to us in the past saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” God’s love is always available for us now and forever. He loves us yesterday, today, and tomorrow matter where we are in life. Let his unfailing love captivate our hearts to him. Never give up on going back to your first love with God. He will always be there for you no matter how much you have failed him. He keeps no records of wrongs, but is always there with open arms. God always has his ways of calling us back to him if we have left our first love to him. It is a matter of listening to God and having the effort to seek him. I encourage you all to never stop falling in love with Jesus. So remember, captivate your first love with God. 

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