You Can Depend On God

You Can Depend On God

When the enemy attacks us, God takes it as an attack on Himself. Our ultimate help comes from God and He is more than able to come through for us. You can depend on God. I’ve been reading in 2 Chronicles, and the Lord is showing me that we need to have a healthy...
Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

It is crucial that you know how to guard your heart because everything you do flows from it. The first place the enemy will target is your heart, so guard your heart. The Lord has been telling me recently that if I want to continue burning for Him, I need to steward...
Why Vision Is Important

Why Vision Is Important

Without vision, we cannot get to where we need to be. This is why vision is important in fulfilling God’s greatest commandment to love Him. Let’s make our vision this year to love Jesus well. The Lord has been reminding me that I need to make my vision...

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