A True Praise To God

A True Praise To God

Romans 12:12 “..Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship” We can praise God with our lips, but true praise comes from the heart that overflows into our actions. Our words alone are the last...
Creating A Pure Heart

Creating A Pure Heart

Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God..” A Pure heart can only come from God, for we cannot create one of our own. If we want a pure heart, we must ask God for it through prayer. Our prayers to God should not only be focused on blessings, but also...
Representing Our Best to God

Representing Our Best to God

  It is always hard to represent God during our stressful and bad kind of days, but that is when we need to represent God the most in our lives. Use this as your daily morning prayer.  ...

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