Now Is The Time To Step Out

Now Is The Time To Step Out

How many of you have dreams that seem greater than yourself that at times you are afraid to share it with others? Know that you’re not alone. It’s normal to have dreams that seem greater than yourself because it was God who put those very dreams in you....
If You’re Still Breathing, You Have Purpose

If You’re Still Breathing, You Have Purpose

Your purpose may not be as flashy and glamorous as someone else’s Instagram feed suggests to be, but you still have purpose. God created you with intention and knows your days from beginning to the end. He knows your potential and the gifts that He has placed in your...
Are You Convinced Of Your Calling?

Are You Convinced Of Your Calling?

It’s God’s job to take us where we need to be, but it’s our job to be convinced of our calling. When we are convinced that we have an assignment from God, we will persevere and obey no matter the opposition we face. There are many people in scripture who were called...
Are You Willing?

Are You Willing?

Often times we strive to walk in our purpose without abiding in Jesus. We’ve missed out on our purpose if we have chosen to live each day without Jesus. Our true purpose is to be the light of this world by glorifying Jesus with our deeds (Matt 5:14-16). If we choose...
Give Your Yes To Jesus

Give Your Yes To Jesus

Saying yes to Jesus doesn’t end when we accept Him as our savior. Following Jesus means giving Him our yes every day. I thought giving Jesus my yes would be a one-time thing, but accepting Jesus as my savior was not the end of my journey of surrender. I had to...

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