Defeating Discouragement

by | Feb 29, 2016

Discouragement is what stops the course of one’s goals and dreams.  It never comes by easy and its only purpose is to defeat you. It has the power to take away all the energy that has kept you going, leaving you weak and powerless. But did you know that you can defeat discouragement?

A couple weeks ago, a Pastor offered me an opportunity to share my revelations during one of his services. I’m more of a writer than a speaker, so on the outside I was nodding sure and maybe, but on the inside I was telling myself definitely no. There was just no way I could imagine myself successfully speaking to a group of people about God.

Few weeks past by and the Holy Spirit reminded me again about his offer. I wanted to do it because I love sharing the good news about Christ, but I felt so incapable. I’ve never spoken about my revelations in a larger group setting, and I was afraid to even try. What if my revelations did not resonate to their lives? What if I ended up looking like a fool? What if couldn’t touch their lives?

But it was in that moment when the Holy Spirit told me, “It is not your job to touch lives, that is my job.”

It is not our job to touch lives, but the Holy Spirit’s job to touch lives through us.

It was then when I realized that these discouraging fears in my mind were only in my head to prevent me from pursuing the will of God and to glorify him. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord himself goes before you and he will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you; do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.” There was no reason for me to be afraid because I had everything I needed and that was God.

I didn’t need to be an experienced speaker or have an intelligent mind to change lives, I just needed God. God tells us to not be afraid or discouraged because he promises to never leave us and he will always go before us. God will never ask us to do something that will only require our strength, instead he will always offer himself for us.

No matter where or what God is calling you to do, do not be discouraged because the only thing you need is God, and you will have him wherever you go. If what you are discouraged from doing is something that will glorify God and expand his kingdom, then know that that discouragement only comes from Satan. He is after your calling and purpose, and he will do anything to prevent God’s glory from shining in your life.

Satan used discouragement and fear to stop me from sharing the gospel through speaking, and he will do the same to you. That is why in Deuteronomy, God tells us to not be afraid or discouraged because he already knew that those two things would hinder us from completing the task that was set before us. Don’t given in to discouragement, but give up on discouragement.

Know that God is here to say to you, “do not be discouraged.” Your only job is to go and let God handle the rest. He never asked us to change lives, but only asks that we go and share the gospel. God has equipped each of us with the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us to change lives and grow his kingdom in this earth.

The disciples in the bible were able to grow the church by large numbers and spread the gospel not because of their own efforts, but because they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts constantly writes about how the disciples “were filled with the Holy Spirit…“(Acts 4:8) when performing miracles. Lives don’t change because we are great, but because our God is great.

It can be easy to underestimate our own abilities, but we must remember that we shouldn’t depend on our own abilities, but God’s abilities alone. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It is only through Christ that we can successfully live the life that God has given us. So remember, God can defeat discouragement.

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