Don’t Be Afraid To Dream Big

by | Jan 3, 2018

We all have big dreams that we desire to see come to pass. But the moment we realize our dreams are bigger than we are, it’s easy to keep it to ourselves or throw away the dream. But what if our dreams were made to be bigger than us? Don’t be afraid to dream big.

For a while, I had kept my dreams to myself.

Why? Because I didn’t feel they were worth sharing since my dreams seemed impossible for myself to do.

I was already sharing the gospel through writing, but I also had desires to share the gospel through speaking. I had visions of myself speaking in front of thousands and seeing people come to Christ. I had dreams of leading people into worship and desires for the prophetic gifts. God also started giving me visions to turn Living Revelations into a ministry to draw people to Christ.

All of this was exciting, but the moment I started using my common sense and saw my own weaknesses, I held myself back from these dreams.

I’m a shy person and always had the fear of public speaking. I never saw myself as a singer or a professional piano player, and who am I to turn Living Revelations into a ministry?

I told myself, “These are just dreams, I can’t possibly do any of this.

I sure was right. I can’t make these dreams a reality, but God can.

I failed to realize that it was God himself who put those dreams and desires in my heart. The moment I started to see God open doors for my dreams to come true, I realized that these dreams in my heart were put there for a purpose.

God started opening doors for me to speak at conferences and at the Singles Ministry at my Church. To my surprise, many people came up to me after I spoke and said my message was exactly what they needed to hear. I even had people tell me that I was a natural (if only they knew my fear of public speaking).

God also gave me more opportunities to lead worship at my church. I started receiving prophetic words and details of people’s lives that encouraged them as I shared what God spoke to me.

As I continue to walk out in faith, I am continuously seeing God do what I thought was impossible become possible. I believe God will do the same with my vision for Living Revelations. My vision is to help others find God real in everyday life through online devotions, Bible studies, videos, and worldwide conferences to display God’s glory through word and power.

Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Don’t be afraid to dream big because we have a big God who can do all things. 

It is only through God’s power that we can accomplish all the dreams he has put in our hearts. God purposely puts dreams that are bigger than us so that we can see His power at work through us. 

God wants to show off in your life, and it starts with making the impossible become possible in your life.

We see God constantly showing off His glory and power throughout the Bible. God always chooses to do the impossible so that people would fear him and put their trust in him. (Psalm 40:3)

We see in Acts that Jesus chose ordinary men as his disciples to carry the gospel to the world. Jesus could have chosen educated Pharisees who spent years studying the word of God, yet he chose fishermen and tax collectors to preach the gospel and perform miracles that would only draw people to Christ.

Acts 4:13 says, “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and took note that these men were with Jesus.”

God chose to use Moses, a man who wasn’t good at speaking to speak on behalf of the Israelites and lead them out of Pharoah’s hand. Moses said to God, “.. I am slow of speech and tongue.” (Exodus 4:10). God replied, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:11).

God called Joshua to lead the Israelites into their promise land. He tells Joshua “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).

We see the people that God used in all 3 examples do the impossible because God was with them.

Just as God was with those in the Bible, so is he with you.

Will you believe that the dreams and passions in your heart were put there for a purpose? Will you believe that God is enough to make your dreams come true? 

Moses was able to split the red sea with God. The disciples were able to heal the sick and bring thousands to Christ with God. Joshua was able to cross the Jordan river on dry ground and bring down the walls of Jericho by sounds of trumpets with God.

You too are able to accomplish the impossible with God

Hebrews 13:21 says, “May God equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.

Don’t feel discouraged if your dreams seem beyond your capabilities. You were never made to accomplish your dreams alone. God is with you and will help you succeed in doing His will for your life.

God wants you to do great things so that all can see His glory and hand in it all. He will equip you with everything you need to accomplish your dreams for His kingdom and glory. Only God can turn your dreams into reality. So remember, don’t be afraid to dream big.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that with you, I can accomplish all my dreams no matter how impossible they may be.


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1 Comment

  1. Ralph English

    Knowing that God would help me no matter how big my dreams this knowledge gives me assurance and rest of mind..
    Thank you

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