Don’t Limit Your Potential

by | Nov 20, 2017

We all have dreams and passions that we desire to see come to life, but what’s stopping us from pursuing them now? Many times we wait until we think we’re ready, but what if we were ready all along? Don’t limit your potential.

I had the opportunity to serve at a conference this weekend with many students and working adults from Florida. I was amazed at the passions and gifts that God had placed in everyone’s hearts. There were many who wanted to pursue music and songwriting, but when I asked if they had tried making their own music, the answer was no.

The number one response I received was, “I don’t feel ready or I still have a lot to learn.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about learning, but the best way to learn and grow is by doing.

Many people asked me in the conference how I started Living Revelations.

My response shocked them.

“I actually hated writing back in High School and never considered myself a writer. But during college, God called me to step out in faith and to share his word through writing.”

I never majored in writing nor did I have any professional experience in writing, but I trusted that God’s grace was enough to get me through. I believed if God had called me to writing, he would equip me for it.

God’s grace is enough to get you where you need to be.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness..” You don’t have to wait until you’re good enough because God is already good enough. 

Many times we wait until we think we’re ready to do what God has put in our heart to do. But if we wait until we think we’re ready, we will never feel ready. The key is to follow what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. If God has put in your heart to make music, then start making music. If God has put in your heart to write, then start writing. God will equip you for success. 

Sure you won’t be perfect the first time, but as you walk faithfully with God, he will help you grow. Trust that God will mold you into who he wants you to be.

I would never have started Living Revelations if I had first looked back to see if I had the “credentials” to be a writer. I took the step of faith trusting that God would equip me for my calling. As I look back at my work with Living Revelations, I can see growth in my writing and lives continuously being touched. This could only have happened because I didn’t limit myself to what I knew I could do.

Despite my imperfections and insecurities, I trusted that God was enough.

Know that God is greater than whatever insecurities you may be facing today. His power is made perfect in your weaknesses. Don’t let your shortcomings limit the potential you have in God’s kingdom. God put those dreams and desires in your heart for a purpose.

It isn’t a coincidence that you happen to desire the very things that are hidden in your heart. God has given each of us gifts to touch lives for his glory. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

The gifts that we have from God were meant to bless and serve others. To be a steward of the gifts that God has given us means to use those gifts when needed for others. If God has opened the door for you to use your gifts, use it now. Don’t wait until you finish school or make an excuse for not pursuing your God-given dreams. Take the step of faith and trust that God will help you to do what he is calling you to do.

Will you step out in faith and pursue the passions that God has placed in your heart? Will you believe that your dreams were put in your heart for a purpose?

Don’t let your lack of experience stop you from pursuing your purpose today. It’s outside your comfort zone where you will find God’s amazing plan for your life. Your past experience doesn’t define your potential – God defines your potential.

When we open ourselves up to following where the Holy Spirit leads us, we will find our potential to be limitless. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippines 4:13). So remember, don’t limit your potential.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that your grace is enough to take me where I need to be.
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