Don’t Look Back

by | Oct 9, 2017

Moving on is hard, especially when it requires us to leave our place of comfort. It’s easier to hold on to the good than to let go for the better. But if we keep looking back, we will never reach our destiny. We must keep moving forward and not look back.

There have been many times in my life when God has asked me to let go of good things for better things. You might ask, well why is it hard to let go of something good if God has something better?

The problem is  I couldn’t see what the better thing was at the time.

And it’s always going to be like that for you and me. Maybe you’re at a point in your life where God is asking you to move on, but your scared because you don’t know what’s ahead of you.

That’s how God works; he will always ask us to let go and move on without us knowing where or how we will be.

But it’s in those moments of doubt when God challenges me and says, “Why do you need to know beyond what I’m asking you to do? Don’t you trust me? Have you forgotten that I have always been faithful and never once failed you?”

Moving on becomes easy when we realize God is moving us to a better place. 

Hebrews 10:35-36 says, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

This verse reminds us to now throw away our confidence in God. He is good and will only ask us to do things that are for our good. Only through doing God’s will can we reach our destiny. 

The story of Lot’s wife in the Bible reminds us to not look back when God is asking us to move on.

Lot and his family lived in Sodom and Gomorrah, the city that God was about to destroy due to the sin and evil that was going on in that place. But God was merciful to Lot and his family and sent 2 angels to rescue them out of the city.

As they were leaving the city, the angel warned Lot and his family and said, “don’t look back, and don’t stop..” (Genesis 19:17).

But Lot’s wife looked back.

Genesis 19:26 says, “But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.” Because Lot’s wife looked back, she missed out on the blessings that God had planned for her.

I wonder why Lot’s wife looked back. Maybe she looked back for the same reasons we look back on things that God has asked us to let go.

If only Lot’s wife knew that God was taking her to a better place. Instead of leaving her city with a dreadful heart, she should have left with a grateful heart to see that God was merciful and had plans to bless her and the family.

Many times we dread letting go of the good things in our lives because we fail to see God’s merciful heart in asking us to let go of those things. God wants to bless us and take us to our destiny, but we must have the confidence to follow God wherever he will lead us.

What is God asking you to let go? What’s holding you back from moving on? Will you trust that God is good and only has the best in store for you?

We can’t reach our destiny if we keep looking back. The enemy will use our past to keep us from moving on to the good plans that God has for us. Looking backward will never help us move forward. 

Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell in the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up..I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

We miss the new thing that God is trying to do in our lives when we hold on to the past. Often the new things that God is trying to bring in our lives will come through our struggles. But God promises in this verse that he will make a way in our wilderness. This may be a season of suffering, but it is also a season where we will see God move like never before.

Let go of the past because God has a new future for you. God will ask you to let go of good things for better things. So remember, don’t look back.

Prayer: Lord, help me to not look back but to move forward into your beautiful plans for me.


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  1. Curtis


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