Embrace Yourself!

by | Feb 9, 2015

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you looked like someone else? Maybe some celebrity, model, or friend? I know I used to compare myself all the time to other people and just wished I could change my facial features. But recently, I’ve learned to love and embrace myself for who I am. You will never be perfect if you keep on comparing yourselves to others. Compare yourself based onyour own strengths and weaknesses. You are all unique and perfectly made. I know it’s easy to compare yourself with other people, but it will only put yourself down and degrade your own confidence. Self-Confidence comes from yourself, not others. You will never learn to love and embrace yourself if you keep trying to be like that person or that model. Doing so will only lead you to find endless faults of yourself.


Love yourself because you can. Love yourself because you’re the only one on this earth who is made to look like you! Don’t let the world define you and your beauty. True beauty is within the inside; your heart. I talk a lot about the heart because your heart is everything about you. Anyone can change their look through plastic surgery, but no one can change your heart. Your heart is what holds the key to your beauty and happiness. Many people think, “If I just looked like him/her I would be happy.” The truth is, many models/celebrities who have the “looks” are not always as happy as those who aren’t considered “models.” Good looks will not make you happy, but having a pure heart will! When you learn to grow your heart and embrace yourself, you will see that your inner beauty will soon come out stronger than your outer beauty. Inner beauty has more power to impact the world than outer beauty. It’s nice to meet people who are pretty and attractive, but meeting someone with a beautiful pure heart is what can touch the world. Instead of wishing you were someone else, develop your own inner beauty!


I used to be self-conscious about my chin ever since I had to go through surgery to remove a mole that was there. Because of the surgery, my chin is slightly unsymmetrical. I used to hate seeing my chin and would always compare myself to others. I kept thinking to myself, “I wasn’t born this way, I just want to fix this!” Now, I don’t want to let my chin ruin my confidence. We should all learn to embrace ourselves with our own imperfections. I would rather invest on my heart than on my outer beauty.


Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Be proud that God made you the way you are. You are all created with his love and passion before the day you were born. There may be days when you will feel down, but it’s ok because we are all never perfect. The most important thing is to get back up with a smile on! You will see that when you learn to embrace yourself, you will see yourself as more beautiful.

So remember, Love and Embrace yourself<3

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