Finding Your Value

by | Sep 17, 2018

We all long to feel valuable. Some find their value through their careers, what they have, or from what others say about them. However, everything that comes from this earth has no lasting value. It is who we are in Christ and who He created us to be that brings everlasting value. Find your value in Jesus.

Growing up I placed my value in so many things that I now realize weren’t the right things. I grew up knowing God but never had a relationship with Him. Christianity was more of a religion than a delight to know my savior. I looked to other things to fill what I didn’t realize was a God-sized hole in my heart.

I tried to fill it with popularity, boys, good grades in school, and success. There was always this thought in the back of my head saying, “If I only had this then I would be valid and my life would be perfect.” I struggled with wanting everyone to like me and wanting to be loved by the right guy.

I would grasp harder for my value but seemingly gave more and more of it away. Striving for value only left me feeling more empty.

It wasn’t until the end of college when someone invited me to a college service at a local church that I began to truly understand my value in Jesus. I began to see that I was fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. As I started developing a relationship with Jesus, I realized I was His beloved child.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

I no longer saw the need to find value from others because I was already valued by the most High God.

We must understand that God created us with value – we are His masterpiece. God created us to do good works and to display His love and glory. So many times we long to find value within us without realizing we were already made with value through Jesus.

Our value is in who we are in Christ.

We don’t have to look for value because we are already valued in the eyes of Jesus. When we accept and believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become His children. John 1:12 says, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.

As I learned all of the promises that God had for me, I started to discover who I was and my calling from Him. When we place our value in earthly things, our joy is quickly fleeting. When we place our value in God and who He created us to be, our joy is eternal.

The things of this earth will never satisfy us. Only God can fill the hole in our hearts. We have to find our treasure (value) in Jesus. Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Where do you find your value? What are you currently treasuring? If what you are treasuring is not Jesus, know that it will not last.

If I could go back and tell my younger self anything, it would be to find my value in God and who He made me to be. We all have a unique purpose from God to make a difference here on earth. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I made you in your mother’s womb I chose you, I set you apart for a special work.”

You were made for a reason and God love’s you just the way He made you. You are His masterpiece.

If you’re struggling to find value in yourself, begin to speak God’s truth and promises over your life. Put encouraging post-it notes with scripture up around your room. We have to silence the lies of the enemy and replace them with God’s truth. When we do this, we will begin to see our value in Christ each day. So remember, find your value in Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, fill any gaps in my heart with your love. Examine my heart and help me to find my treasure in you alone.
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