Give Your Yes To Jesus

by | May 17, 2019

Saying yes to Jesus doesn’t end when we accept Him as our savior. Following Jesus means giving Him our yes every day.

I thought giving Jesus my yes would be a one-time thing, but accepting Jesus as my savior was not the end of my journey of surrender. I had to say yes to Jesus to continue to follow Him wherever He led me.

Some of my yes’s required me letting go of things, some required me to wait, and some were a yes to step out in faith.

I definitely would not be where I am today if it weren’t for me saying yes to Jesus every day. The moment we say no to Jesus is the moment we stop following Him.

Following Jesus means giving Him our yes every day.

Our yes to Jesus will lead us to life to the fullest here on earth and for eternity. What is your yes to Jesus in this season? 

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you, I set you apart for a special work.” We were created with a special purpose. We are all called to glorify and love Jesus in all we do, but we each have our own unique gifts and talents to display His glory.

As we choose to deny our ways and follow Jesus, we will live life to the fullest and walk into our God-given purpose.

Listen to our first session from our Discover Your Purpose Conference, “Give Your Yes To Jesus
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