God Gets You

by | Feb 16, 2018

It’s exciting to meet someone who gets us. Although we may have an instant connection with those who understand us, no one can relate to us as much as God does. He knows our ins and outs more than anyone else. God gets you.

For the longest time, I spent my life worrying about my desires and needs.

Will I ever meet someone who gets me? Could my dreams and passions actually turn into reality? Is it possible to live each day excited for the next with no worries to hold me back? 

I was the one to always believe that my dreams and desires just happened to be put in my heart with no purpose of becoming a reality.

But the moment I surrendered my life to God and obeyed all that he asked, I saw my dreams and desires start to unfold. I realized my desires were actually put in my heart to become reality.

God gives us dreams and desires for the purpose of turning them into reality. 

It is God himself who put those very dreams and passions in our hearts because He made usPsalm 139:13 says, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I’ve always dreamt to be a writer, author, speaker, and worship leader. I desired to find a future spouse who I could do ministry with and had the same passions as I did. I had dreams to spread the gospel to the nations and help orphanages all around the world.

But at one point in my life, I convinced myself that the desires I had could never come to pass. I didn’t think God knew what was best for me, so I took things into my own hands and lived the way I wanted to live. When God asked me to let go of my past relationship, I said no. When God told me to invest more of my time in ministry, I again said no.

I chose to hold on to what I thought was the best at the time, failing to realize that the whole time God was only asking me to obey so that I could get the very things I longed for.

Eventually, I realized that my ways were only taking me farther from who I desired to be. I started to obey God and let go of the things He asked me to let go, and invest in the things He asked me to invest in.

Fast forward to today, I’ve never been worry-free and full of joy in my life. Best of all, I started to see my dreams and desires come to pass.

God started opening doors for me to lead worship on the piano. I’m now in the process of writing my first book, and I am believing he will continue to open doors for more writing and speaking opportunities.

I’ve also met someone who is everything I’ve ever prayed for in a future spouse.

While all of this amazed me, God also showed me that He knew my desires to go to the nations and help orphan children. I had participated in an outreach and the leader (who I had just met) came up to me and asked to pray for me. While he was praying for me God gave him a vision of me with orphan kids all over the nations.

It was in that moment I realized that God knows even my most intricate desires.

Just as God knows my desires, He knows your desires too.

If there’s one thing you need to know it’s this: God gets you.

Every part of you was put together by God. He put the very desires in your heart for a purpose and intends on fulfilling your every desire.

We spend so much time worrying about our lives without realizing that God knows what we need and intends on giving us more than what we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

We will find rest when we surrender our lives to God and allow him to take control. God’s only plan is to take care of us. If we have any other thought that speaks against this truth, it comes from the enemy. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

If you have burdens that you are carrying today, now is the time to give it all to God. Only God is qualified to carry your burdens and give you true rest. God knows your dream spouse, your passions and dreams, and every hidden desire in your heart.

Nothing about you is hidden from God. 

Will you let go of your life and surrender it to God? Will you trust that God will take care of you?

Psalm 139:1-4 says, “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.

Even if no one gets you, God still gets you. He’s seen your every struggle and tear that’s been shed. He knows your every thought even if it’s not spoken. God is here to help you if you’re willing to let him help you. Trust that God has the best in store for you and follow him. So remember, God gets you.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you know my every desire and intend on fulfilling it for your glory. 
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