He Pursues You

by | Aug 22, 2016

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4)

We all desire to be pursed with love, but there is no one on this earth who can pursue us as how our father in heaven pursues.

The Lord is truly faithful, and not for a single moment does he keep his eyes off of us.

He knows just what we need and his unconditional love for us cannot be compared to any other love that exists. He will never give up on us, and will continue to place things in our lives to draw us closer to him.

There is only one thing that God desires, and that is is you.

Just as the shepherd in the verse goes after His lost sheep, so does God go after us because we are His. No one on this earth is hidden from God’s loving eyes.

God pursues us like no other.

His love for us is a love that even our minds cannot comprehend. No other love besides God’s love was made to complete us. We were made to be loved, and by a God who was made to love us.

He will always leave his arms open wide for us, waiting for us to run to him.

He is a God who pursues you.

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