How to Build Confidence the Right Way

by | Feb 16, 2015

We all know what confidence is, but sometimes it is simply hard to be confident in ourselves. I struggle with confidence in certain areas of my life and I am sure many of you as well have different areas in your life that could use more confidence.

As I walk my journey in Christ, I learn that only Christ can build a strong foundation of confidence for you. It is so easy to depend on the things of this world because we are consumed with it every single day. But depending your confidence on the things of this world will never be stable and will never build your confidence. It only brings temporary confidence that can be crashed in any moment. However, confidence with God can never be broken and it will only grow stronger if we abide in himJeremiah 17:7 says, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

It may be easy to base our confidence off of our friends, family, partner, or anything in this word, but despite their great love for us, God is greater than all and only in him can we depend on. He is the one who contains the mighty powerful hand that will never fail you. Let the root of your confidence start from God.

So now that we know the importance of having confidence in God, how do we build our confidence in him? It doesn’t take one day to have full confidence in ourselves through God. It takes time, but if we take a step at a time closer to God each and every day, we will find our confidence growing stronger.

Confidence in God all starts from obeying and trusting in him. Despite how bad our thoughts can blind us, by simply doing what God says is the first step to building our confidence in him. It takes obedience and trust to build a strong wall of confidence. The story of Moses is a great example of how obeying God builds your confidence in him and in yourself. Moses is one of the great leaders used by God, but he didn’t start off that way. In the beginning, he doubted God many times in his own ability to save the Israelities. He doubted God in his ability to lead the israelities to safety, to persuade pharaoh to let the Israelities go, and to be the chosen one that God wanted him to be. But despite all of Moses’s worries, he still obeyed God and did everything God asked him to do.

Moses’s confidence in God grew as each day went by in his obedience to God, and he became the leader we all know today. Moses’s story can be yours as well. Throughout the challenges you face in life, you will see more and more of God’s miraculous powers and capable mighty hand that he has for you. Psalm 136:12 says, “With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; his love endures forever.” Only God can give the best for you. Trust and depend only in him. God will go out of his way for you when you love him and obey him. The more you follow him, the more he reveals himself to you. So remember, God is the right way to build your confidence.

-How has God built your confidence?-

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