If You’re Still Breathing, You Have Purpose

by | Sep 24, 2019

Your purpose may not be as flashy and glamorous as someone else’s Instagram feed suggests to be, but you still have purpose. God created you with intention and knows your days from beginning to the end. He knows your potential and the gifts that He has placed in your life. If you’re breathing, you still have purpose.

When God told me to create a Christian Instagram account a few years ago, I wasn’t sure whether He meant it. I had been saved for a little more than half a year, I didn’t read my Bible every day, and I hadn’t found a community of believers.

There was still a lot to learn about faith and living with Jesus. I thought to myself, “Why would God want me to teach others?”

I had no idea where God would take this, but I said yes to Him and opened myself up for Him to use me in any way He wanted to.

God will always be the first to call us, but our first step is to give Him our yes.

Now I’m two years in since starting my Christian Instagram page. The journey hasn’t been perfect, but I have seen God touch lives through my faithful obedience.

I might not have the largest number of followers, but being able to encourage someone through this platform and contribute to God’s kingdom has been a huge blessing.

I’m not a perfect writer but I will continue to let God use me for His purpose – a purpose He determined long before I was born:

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life, not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” 2 Timothy 1:9 

God’s unique calling for you is more than society’s expectations of you. You’re here today because of God’s beautiful plan. You get to be a part of His beautiful redemptive plan to restore humanity back to Him through Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

You may feel that your testimony and story has no worth to bring to this world, but you have a lot to share to the world if you have accepted Jesus and seen Him transform your life. 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we have been brought from darkness into light to declare praises to Him.

If you don’t know Jesus, you still have the opportunity today to be a part of His beautiful plan for your life that He created you for. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

It breaks my heart to see so many women of all walks of life struggle with believing that they were born to make a difference. Part of the issue is the lies and standards that we place on ourselves from society.

The truth is you have purpose because Jesus made you with purpose.

Psalm 139:16 reminds us that God saw our unformed body and all the days of our lives were ordained before one of them came to be. God created each of us with purpose. Don’t let society’s standards lower your own value for yourself.

As long as your heart is beating, God longs to use you as His vessel to spread the gospel.

2 Thessalonians 2:14 says, “He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Your purpose may look different from others, but it is definitely meaningful and a part of God’s bigger plan. We will not always see the results of everything we do, but we can trust that God is taking our obedience and impacting lives.

It is Christ who equips and validates us now and forever.

Are you looking to Jesus for your worth? How can you actively be a living testimony through your everyday life? 

Replace every lie that you’re not qualified enough with the truth that God’s will He will supply you with everything you need. God chose you for a purpose. Surrender everything to Him and enjoy the journey. So remember, as long as you’re breathing, you still have a purpose.

Follow Annie Morgan’s blog at https://calledbymercyblog.wixsite.com/website
Follow her on Instagram: @calledbymercy

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1 Comment

  1. Ann

    Thank you for saying “yes” to Christ!

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