Is It Possible to Live a Satisfied Life in Today’s World?

by | May 4, 2015

The world is constantly changing at a fast pace and at the times when we want a break, life just never stops. So is it possible to live a worry-free life with all the obligations and consequences that life brings? Can we be satisfied in a word that continues to have increasing demands? I recently found myself struggling over dissatisfaction from the results of my hard work. I know that our expectations do not always get met, but how can we live a satisfying life when we constantly find our expectations failing? I’m sure many of you have found yourself at situations such as mine, and as much as we would love to praise God during times of disappointment, it can be challenging when things don’t happen the way you wanted it to. But through prayer and waiting in God’s presence, I realized that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I lost my focus on what was truly important: God.

When you start basing your satisfaction on the things of this earth, you will always find yourself wanting more and unsatisfied. But when you focus on God, you will always find yourself wanting more but satisfied. Depending on the world as a metric for satisfaction will always leave you unsatisfied because there is always more that you can have, yet you can’t always have everything that this world offers. But when you depend and focus on God and his kingdom, you will find that you have everything that you need and find that God is always enoughJohn 4:13 says, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.” Jesus told the samaritan women that the water from her well would leave her thirsty, but water from Jesus would give her everlasting life. This shows that anything from this earth will always leave your thirsty for more. But when you focus on God and what he is doing in your life, you will never be thirsty.

It can be easy to run to the temporary pleasures of this world when we are feeling down or unsatisfied. But remember to run to God and his word when you are feeling dry and thirsty. Just like when you are hungry and find food satisfying, God’s word is the food to your soul and satisfaction. God’s word will never let you down and his promises stay the same forever. Isaiah 58:11 says, “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails.” God doesn’t just promise to give you what you need, but he promises to satisfy you and take care of you like a well-watered garden. He loves you and he knows the best for you. We just need to change our perspective in our life and focus on what truly matters in our life which is Christ. He will always give you the best and he will always be enough for you. Christ is worth more than anything that exists in this world. The world may give you temporary pleasures, but Christ gives eternal happiness.

A great example in the bible that we should follow is the life of Paul. Paul learned to be content with any circumstance that he faced because he knew he had something that was better than any circumstance he faced: An all mighty God who has the capability to give him the strength to face any challengePhilippians 4:12 says, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Paul learned not to base his satisfaction from his circumstances on earth. We all should be like Paul and focus our satisfaction to God who is always enough for us. God will always be there to provide you, watch over you, and bless you overwhelmingly. We just need to focus on him and not let satan distract us with our situations on this earth.

Do not measure your satisfaction based on what you have on this earth, but on what you have from Christ. Focus on God’s love for you and on the amazing plan he has prepared for you. Only through God can you truly be content with your life. God has the ability to give us the assurance that we will always have enough in our life with him. Hold on to God and he will never let you go. Not only will God establish your path, but he will establish a satisfying one for you. So remember, we can have a satisfied life in any circumstance we face.

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