Is It Worth The Fight?

by | May 30, 2016

We grow up in a world where we are taught to fight for ourselves — to fight for what’s right, just, and all that we believe in. But there will be times in our lives when we can’t fight for ourselves. So what do we do then when the battle is too hard? Is it worth the fight?

There I was.. helpless, frustrated, and devastated with tears running down my face as I sat down in my car right after work. I was tasked by my manager to create a new program to help grow the company. Excited with the task, I went straight on to building a business plan for the project.

After half a week, I finally finished and presented the project outline to my manager. I was excited to present this amazing program I had worked so hard on, yet to my disappointment, his response was definitely not what I was expecting.

His said, “This is great, however, you won’t be in charge of handling this, someone else will be managing this.

What?” I thought to myself. “So this is the reward of my hard work? It ends with it being handed off to someone else?” Since I created this program, I was expecting for myself to take the lead; the one who would be responsible of growing the program. I wanted to be the star of my company – to be in charge so that once it becomes successful, everyone would know it was because of me.

I went out of the office full of anger and hurt. I had spend so much time and passion into crafting this venture, just to find it in the hands of another. My initial instinct was to fight for myself; to fight for the right I believed I had to manage this program.

But it was in that moment of me wanting to fight, when God reminded me of a verse that changed my whole perspective:

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

God reminded me that it wasn’t my job to fight for myself, but His job to fight for me. The only thing I was required to do was to be still and trust that He’s got everything under control for the best of me.

I had been praying everyday to be the light in my office; to be the light that would show God’s glory. My definition of being the light was for me to be the star in the office, and have everything be about me. But God’s definition of me being the light was to bring the glory only onto him, and let it be all about him.

This would mean being loving even when others are not loving, being patient even when others hurt me, being humble and giving the best I have even if it meant nothing for me. This was God’s way for me to be the light at my office – to show everyone the Christ that lives in me.

I decided that I was going to be still and let God fight for me. To give my best towards this program even if it meant I wouldn’t get the credit, because all that matters is that God will get the credit. I realized that it’s only when our identity is built in God when we can find true permanent joy in life.

I had almost let loose of my pride, anger, and self-ambition to my company, but I am thankful that I chose God to fight for me. There is a reason why God wants to fight your battles, and that’s because He’s the best candidate to fight for you.

God doesn’t need you fighting your battles, that’s His job. Your job is only to be still in him.

Although the world may teach us to fight our own battles, as followers of Christ, we must let God fight our battles. Know that God is the best fighter for us. He knows us best, so we must trust in His way. The best way to let God do His thing is to be still and let God take over. Let him fight, because it’s only when God fights that we will find our victory. Our victory has and will always be in Christ. So remember, it’s not worth the fight – let God fight it.

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