Joy Is Attainable

by | Aug 7, 2017

When we’re going through the hardest times of our lives, the one thing we want is to have joy – to be able to rejoice and be happy. Yet when we’re faced with our darkest moments, joy can seem too far away for us to grasp. However, with God joy is attainable.

Many times we look for joy through our circumstances or people, but that’s the very reason why we find it hard to have joy. Joy becomes unattainable when we rely on it from others or our circumstances because people will fail us and life is not always perfect.

Life will have its ups and downs, but that shouldn’t determine whether or not we have joy. Joy doesn’t come from our circumstances, but from God alone.

Joy will always fill our hearts when we look for it in God. 

God himself clothes us with his joy. The enemy can only steal our joy if we let him. Psalm 30:11 says, “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.”

God has the ability to take away our mourning and replace it with a spirit of joy and dancing. No matter how bad your circumstances may be, you can always have God’s joy in you. While joy may seem impossible to attain during your darkest storms, it is possible with God.

Don’t let your circumstances tell you that you can’t go through your storms without joy.

Joy is attainable anytime and anywhere with God. 

Our joy can never be taken away from us because God will never fail us. God’s promises hold true and when we are living in his will, we can be sure that he will use our struggles for His glory and our good.

Psalm 89:33 is God’s promise to you, which says, “I will not take my love away, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness.” God’s love for you will never fail and he is always faithful. When you rely on God’s promises you will always find his never-ending joy.

God’s plan is for you is to have a life full of joy and not sorrow. Although you will go through seasons of hardships and struggles, you can rest knowing that God’s plan for you is good even when things look bad. Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Seek God’s presence in the midst of your struggles and you will find yourself filled with his joy. God’s presence always follows with his joy. So remember, joy is attainable.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that despite the circumstances I face, I can always find joy in you. 

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