Letting Go Of Strongholds

by | Nov 23, 2018

A stronghold is anything in our lives that have control over what we think and do. Strongholds can be fear, anxiety, lust, etc. However, Jesus died for us to live a life of freedom and not bondage. There is no stronghold that is too great for God to tear down.

There was a point in my life when anxiety kept attacking me. I tried throwing away the thought but it kept taunting me. I came to God asking Him why these anxiety attacks were not going away?

God then said, “The reason why your anxiety hasn’t left you is because you haven’t given it to me.

It was in that moment when I realized that this whole time I was trying to run away from anxiety, thinking that was me being an “overcomer” when in reality, I was only running away defeated.

Whenever anxiety crept in, I tried to not think about it. But that’s not what Jesus asks us to do. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

We need to take captive every thought and submit them to Jesus. I made the mistake of taking captive my thoughts and throwing them out, but they would only come back at me because they were not submitted to Jesus.

The only way to break our strongholds is to give it to Jesus. By His strength, we can overcome our strongholds and leave as overcomers. New podcast “Letting Go Of Strongholds”. Listen below!

Podcast (iPhone): apple.co/2OFO4AO
Podcast (Android/PC): bit.ly/2zSExAW


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1 Comment

  1. Dylan

    This verse is actually in 2 Corinthians 10:5

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