Living Set Free

by | Jul 9, 2019

We all want to be set free from negative self-talk, anxiety, lustful desires, emotional instability, and more. Maybe you have tried everything you can but certain thoughts still hold you captive. The truth is we can walk in freedom where such things no longer take hold of us. We can live set free in Jesus.

I have struggled with many things, but anxiety seems to still find it’s a way to creep in now and then.

There would be moments when I would give in to my fears and start entertaining such thoughts. I became so afraid of my own thoughts because it would cause me to feel depressed even when I didn’t want to feel that way.

I was bound and felt like I no longer had control over my thoughts. Questions to God came like, when will these thoughts leave? 

God then gave me a dream that opened my eyes to the reality that I was already set free in Jesus. I dreamt there was a black cat that had rabies. I tried avoiding the cat but whenever I would call it out to go away or tried to close the door on it, the cat would come even closer to me. But then in one scene of my dream, I remember walking away from the cat and disregarding it, and the cat went further away from me.

Through this dream, Jesus opened my eyes and showed me that I didn’t have to struggle or fear such anxious thoughts that come and torment me. I needed to stop seeing my struggle as a battle that needed to be fought, but one that has already been foughten.

The moment I disregarded the cat, it left me. It was when I acknowledged the power of the cat that I became afraid and the cat came even closer to me. Jesus reminded me that He is in me and because He is in me every darkness has to flee.

1 John 1:5 says, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” We have the choice to walk in darkness or His light. When we walk in His light, we have fellowship with Jesus and His blood purifies us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

There is power in the name of Jesus, and we just need to believe it. Throughout scripture we see Jesus casting out demons and making people whole. That is who Jesus was and still is today.

He has given us the authority to walk victoriously over the enemy. Jesus says in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

We can be so afraid of the very thing that keeps us in bondage, but when we realize that we have been set free in Jesus, we have nothing to fear. Our old sin habits no longer have power over us because in Jesus we have the power to overcome anything.

We need to stop trying to change and believe that we are changed.

In Luke 13:10 we see Jesus healing a woman who has been bound by a spirit causing her to be crippled. Jesus goes to the woman and heals her and said, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity” (Luke 13:12).

Just as Jesus came to set that woman free, He also came to set you free.

Jesus longs to set you free from any bondage that is holding you back from living for Him. Any limitation we have that stops us from living for Jesus is a bondage from the enemy. Whether your struggle is emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or physically, Jesus wants to make you whole.

Jesus created you to thrive and to live in freedom. It’s time for you to believe and walk in the freedom that comes when you accept Jesus as your savior. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here.

Are you facing any bondages in your life? Ask Jesus to touch you and to set you free.

When you are faced with temptation, say to yourself, “Jesus has set me free”. You will see the power of your words and faith transform you and bring your healing. Jesus says in Luke 17:19, “Your faith has made you whole.” Your faith in Jesus has the power to make you whole.

Jesus wants to set you free so that you can set others free in Him. Your testimony has the power to help others walk from darkness into the light of Christ. God has mighty plans for your life. Don’t let the enemy stop you from living your life to the fullest. So remember, live set free in Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus, I thank you that you have set me free to set others free in you. 

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