My Maker

by | Jan 11, 2016

Who do you turn to in your most desperate situations, when life sucks up all the joy and energy from you? How do we fix the problems that come from deep within ourselves? What is the best way to fix our feelings of emptiness, insecurity, failure, and hurt?

I sat down that one morning with the feelings of hurt and failure from deep inside my heart. I had just finished scrolling through Instagram, looking at the many likes and followers of many young women who also like me, had the heart to spread the beauty of the Gospel of Christ.

But I asked myself, why did I not have that many likes and followers as they did? I was working as hard as I could, but I didn’t see myself growing as I wished to be. The feelings of failure sunk deep inside me, and throughout that day I tried to fix my feelings of insecurity and failure by not thinking about them.

But despite my efforts to keep myself ignorant of my own hurting hearts, the pain still rested there. Anything I did or anywhere I went could not fix the wound in me. So how do we properly fix the brokenness inside of us?

It was in my devotion time with God when he spoke the words of life and encouragement that I needed to fix my hurting heart. And it was at that moment when I realized that only your Maker knows best to fix you.

Let’s say you have a broken i-phone, most likely you will go to the company who created your phone to fix it because they know the ins and outs of it, which in this case, would be the Apple Store. You go to the Apple store to fix the i-phone because they specialize in creating i-phones, therefore, they know the best way to fix it.

This same analogy applies to us. The best way to fix you is the one who created you, your maker, God. Your father in heaven is the one who made you and knows you. Psalms 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

God specializes in you. He created your inmost being – he knows your ins and outs, yours pains and gains. He knows how to fix even the deepest hurt you have hidden inside – hurts that you might not even be aware of. He knows what weakens you and what strengthens you. So go to the one who specializes in you, which is God.

God will know the perfect words to say to you that will instill life and joy into your needing soul. Before you turn to positive encouraging books, seminars, friends and family, or even to this world, turn to your maker because only he knows you best. All other things are good, but they will never permanently fix you.

Psalms 121:2 says, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Our help only comes from the Lord. The best hope you can get when you need fixing is the one who made you. If you are in need of love, hope, security, confidences, strength, or anything else, then go to Jesus because he is all you need.

God is the maker of the heavens and earth, the air we breath, the food we eat, the people we meet, but best of all, he is your maker. When you are burdened for more love, go to your maker who will give you his best because he knows you best. So remember, God is your Maker.

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  1. Wil

    I love your blog! It inspires my life n surroundings! Thank you for being such a wonderful blessing!

  2. Shanelle

    Beautiful post my dear! I go through this often myself. Sometimes the best way to get through it is to unplug and spend a few days away from those followers you’ve worked so hard to grow ?

    God is good and this was such an inspiring message! I loved every minute of reading it. Bless your heart, love!

  3. Gaby Triyono

    Thanks Shanelle for the advice =) and thanks for reading my blog<3

  4. Gaby Triyono

    thank you my sumsum <3

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