Positive Thanksgiving

by | Feb 9, 2015

Thanksgiving is just a couple days ahead! I’m sure all of you are either busy with finals or thinking about how stuffed you’re going to be on thanksgiving day. But Thanksgiving is more than the turkey and more than the family time we will have (although both things are important). Thanksgiving should be a time to realize the blessings God has given us in our lives. It’s a time to be grateful for what we have and are.

It can be so easy to think of all the bad things that we are facing without taking the time to think of the blessings God has already placed in our lives. As humans, our tendency is to talk more about negative things than positive things. For example, think about all the gossip and drama we experience in our lives. There was also a study that showed that twice as many people tell others about bad service than good. When I think about this, its true! I am more likely to share to people the bad services I have experiences than the good services. However, it is important to not let our negative mind overcome ourselves. Satan will always try to bring you down because he doesn’t want you to become the person God wants you to be!

Give thanks to whatever state you are in now. There will always be someone who is worse off than you are. If you really think about it, there are so many things you should be thankful for! Even the fact that you are alive and breathing is something to be happy for.

Sometimes we tend to want things now, and when we don’t get what we want we get easily discouraged. But remember God is Good – he knows your every need and he will meet your need at the right timeGod knows what you need more than you know yourself. When things aren’t going your way, just remember that God has a good plan for you coming up! Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time“.

Instead of thinking about the about the bad things that have happened in your life, think about the blessings God has brought to your life. Just knowing that God’s Love Endures Forever should be a reason for us to give thanks and praise to him eternally.

Psalm 136  says, “Give thanks to the lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever“. This statement is so powerful! Because his love endures forever, we don’t ever have to worry about our lives! Because his love endures forever, we know that he will always provide our needs. It is important to recognize this and give God thanks for what he has done and is doing.

God has to be the number one priority in our lives and it is important to show him that we have faith in him by giving him thanks and praise everyday. How often to you give God praise in your daily life? How do you think God is feeling when we always speak about negative things in our lives? Or when we choose to neglect and realize the blessings he has given us? He might just be planning to give you the greatest blessing without you knowing it.

Ask yourself this everyday: Did I speak more positive or negative words today?So remember, have a positive thanksgiving everyday. 

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