Rejection Isn’t Always Bad

by | Jun 8, 2017

Who doesn’t hate rejection? We all want to be good enough, accepted, and loved but when faced with rejection, it can be easy to feel worthless and disqualified. While rejection may seem like a bad thing, it isn’t always the case. Rejection isn’t always bad.

I’ve probably experienced more rejection than I’ve experienced actual success. I could have stopped right when I got rejected, but if I had done that I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I remember the day God clearly called me into writing, but the circumstances that I faced during that time seemed to tell me the opposite. I would submit my blogs to many magazines and online blogs asking to be a guest blogger, but I would get countless rejection emails or simply get ignored. I also wasn’t getting many followers on social media.

To put it in short, I felt rejected.

I remember at one point I cried and told God, why have you called me into writing? I’m not even good enough, and no one seems to think so as well. But it was in that moment when God reminded me that I didn’t have to be good enough because he was good enough.

Fast forward to today, I am thankful that I trusted God and dedicated myself into where he has called me. I’ve received countless messages from people all over the world telling me how God has touched and spoken to their lives through my blogs.

I’ve seen God continuously grow Living Revelations and I give the all the credit to him alone. If I hadn’t experienced the rejection, I’d probably think I got where I am today because of myself and not God. We are only called to plant and water seeds, but God makes all things grow (1 Corinthians 3:6).

Just because your calling has been rejected by others does not mean it has been rejected by God. 

There are many examples of people in the Bible who experienced rejection before they were greatly used by God. Moses was called by God to lead and deliver the Israelites our of captivity, yet he was first rejected by his own people. Acts 7:35 says, “This is the same Moses they had rejected with the words, ‘Who made you ruler and judge?’ He was sent to be their ruler and deliverer by God himself..

Joseph is another example from the Bible who was chosen by God to be ruler over Egypt, yet was initially rejected by his brothers. Both Joseph and Moses were rejected by man, but chosen by God. You might be rejected by others, but remember that you are chosen by God and that validates your call. God’s acceptance is what validates your calling. 

Isaiah 41:9 says, “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.” No matter how far you’ve gone or how rejected you may feel, remember that God has chosen you and called you to serve him in your own unique way. Trust in what God’s purpose for you and hold on to his promise that he has chosen you and not rejected you.

What purpose has God called you to do? If you’re feeling discouraged from any rejection, remember that God has not rejected you and put your trust in him. God wants you to know that it’s not by your strength, but by his strength that you can do what he has called you to do.

God will allow you to go through trials and rejections to strengthen your faith in him. God wants our faith to be strengthened, and the only way it can be strengthened is when it is tested. Lysa Terkeurst who is now the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries and New York Times Best-selling author started off with countless rejections. She got rejected from many publishers with her “The Best Yes” book before it became a New York Times Best Selling book.

Don’t let rejection stop you. Look for validation in God alone and know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). So remember, rejection isn’t always bad.

Prayer: Lord, I may be rejected by others but I know I am still chosen and loved by you. 

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  1. Janelle Keith

    This one has deeply encouraged me. I’m a writer too, a blogger, full-time servant of the Word. I’ve been rejected some from the most unexpected places, but I keep writing. Thank you for sharing this encouragement.

  2. Sharmaine

    “We are only called to plant and water seeds, but God makes all things grow (1 Corinthians 3:6).

    Just because your calling has been rejected by others does not mean it has been rejected by God.”

    Loved it!

    This is very timely. I am blessed by this. I am reminded that people’s validation doesn’t matter, and that, rejection is okay, as long as you’re doing the will of God in your life.

    More of this, Miss Gaby. Continue to live out your calling from God to inspire, encourage and remind people in need.

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