Restoring What Was Lost

by | Jul 2, 2017

Is it possible to restore all that you’ve lost? Maybe it’s peace that you’ve lost from all the hardships you’ve faced or love that you’ve lost from a recent breakup. Whatever it may be, God has the power to restore all that was lost.

I’ve lost many things in life. I’m not just talking about physical things or people that I’ve lost, but even spiritual and emotional things. There was a time in my life when I lost my sense of purpose, joy, and hope to move on.

I was broken and empty.

I only had myself to blame because I had walked away from God. Little did I know that walking away from God would cause me to lose everything.

But God is good. He is so good that despite all the things I did, he still gave me a chance to walk with him and renew my life into something beautiful. Fast forward to today, I have seen God restore my life and given me purpose, joy, peace, and hope to live a life that enjoys his presence and brings him glory to all.

God can restore whatever the enemy has stolen from you. 

God can restore all that we have lost when we surrender and obey our lives to him. Deuteronomy 30:2-4 says, “...obey him with your whole heart..your God, will restore everything you lost; he’ll have compassion on you; he’ll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. No matter how far away you end up, God, your God, will get you out of there.

Many times it’s our own sin and disobedience that causes us to lose the very things that God never intended for us to lose. However, because of God’s unfailing love for us, no matter what we’ve done, he is always available with open arms to restore all that we’ve lost. God sacrificed his son Jesus so that we wouldn’t have to be bounded with our sins, but would have a chance to live eternally with him through the gift of his grace.

If it’s love that has been stolen from your life, God can restore it through his unfailing love.  If it’s joy has been taken away from your life, God can take your pain and restore it with his joy and peace. If it’s self-worth that you’ve lost, God calls you worthy and chosen today. God has given us all we need through Jesus. All we need to do is give our lives to God and trust in his timing of restoration.

God never intended us to live a dry and dull life, but to live a life to the fullest. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Don’t look anywhere else for restoration because true restoration can only come through Jesus. When we turn away from God, we will only find ourselves farther from obtaining what we truly need in life. Psalm 85:1 says, “You, Lord, showed favor to your land; you restored the fortunes of Jacob.” God wants to show favor in your life today, will you let him? Will you turn away from your old ways and walk into his plan of restoration for your life?

Whatever you have lost in your life, know that God wants to restore it back to you. God loves you and has amazing plans for your life beyond what you can see. Don’t let the enemy steal what God wants to give to you. So remember, God can restore all that was lost.

“Lord, as I surrender my life to you, I am believing in your power to restore all things.”
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  1. Pat Kets


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