Silencing Fear

by | Jun 1, 2018

Our fears tend to feel real and cause us to take actions based on false beliefs. We can’t rely on our fears because they are not always true.  Fear will only hold us back from experiencing the best that God has for us. Silencing fear is key.

I have been attacked with fearful thoughts this past week.

As I entertained the fears running through my mind, it all started to feel real. I started asking myself, “Could this be true? Is this really happening?”

The emotions started to get to me but I remembered to bring my fears to the Lord. The moment I spoke my fears to the Lord, I realized how silly they were.

As I spent time with the Lord in his word, He opened my eyes and showed me that my fears were all attacks from the enemy. The enemy was using fear to pull me away from where God was calling me to be.

Whenever that fear would arise, I would immediately throw it out and chose to not believe in it.

The enemy wanted me to doubt God’s faithfulness and throw away every promise that He has spoken over my life. But because I drew near to God, He exposed every lie of the enemy.

As we draw near to God, his light exposes all the lies of the enemy. 

1 John 1:5 says, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” When we draw near to God, his light will expose all darkness within us. Ephesians 5:13 says, “everything exposed by the light becomes visible.”

The enemy wants us to stay isolated and keep our fears to ourselves. The last thing he wants us to do is to bring our fears to God because he knows God will expose it all.

We must not let fear stop us from either pursuing or letting go of what God is calling us to do. Fear will make us doubt in God’s goodness so that we would take things into our own hands. But it’s in these moments when we must bring our fears to God so that it can all be exposed.

Are you making your choices out of fear or faith?

There is a difference between faith and fear. Faith is believing in what God says, while fear is believing in what we feel.

Our feelings are not reliable because they are limited by our own perspective and flawed with our emotions. Jeremiah 17:9 warns us that our heart is deceitful. God however sees and knows all things. We can’t trust our feelings but we can trust in God.

Fear pulls us away from our destiny, but faith brings us closer.

If we want to see God’s good plans for our lives, we must take the steps of faith. Jesus says in John 11:40, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?

What is God asking you to believe for? Will you choose to believe in his faithfulness or your own fears?

It’s impossible to have both faith and fear. We must choose which we will live by. Faith will require us to silence our fears with God’s truth. Only through a life of faith can we see God revealed. Faith will call us to the uncomfortable and unknown, but the end result will always be for our best.

Hebrews 10:35-36 reminds us to not throw away our confidence in the Lord. The verse says, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Where are you putting your confidence in? Do your actions show that you believe in God?

If you want to receive what God has promised, it is going to require you to let go of your will for his will. While it may be painful, we must remember that ultimately God’s will is perfect and better than what we could ever come up with.

God has never failed anyone in the Bible and he does not plan to fail you either.

We don’t have to be afraid of obeying what God is asking us to do because it will always lead to blessings.

Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that he should lie…Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” We see throughout the Bible that God has always fulfilled every promise he has spoken and his principle stands true – obedience to God will always lead to blessings.

Deuteronomy 28:2 reminds us, “All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God..” The key word in this verse is “if”. We will only see God’s blessings in our lives if we chose to silence our fears and obey God.

Live bold and courageous because God is with you. Don’t give in to fear because it will only lead you further away from God’s amazing plans for your life. So remember, silence fear.

Prayer: Lord, I choose to silence my fears with your truth. 

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