The Power of Cultivating Your Love

by | Mar 16, 2015

Do you ever feel stuck in your relationship with Christ? Lacking the desires to grow your knowledge and relationship in him? Or perhaps feeling that knowing his existence is good enough? I know I have had moments in my past where I lost the desire to seek God in my life. But as Christians, we are called to grow our relationship with God. If you have lost the desire to seek God, what you are missing is your growing love to God. You need to cultivate your love with Christ to be able to stir a fire of desire in your heart. If you do not work on growing your love to God, it will eventually die out. Love takes work and we need to take the time throughout our busy lives to cultivate and grow our love in Christ.

So how do we cultivate our love in Christ? By simply opening the door and letting him in. Take the time everyday to spend quality time with God in prayer, worship, and mediating his word. Invite the holy spirit and he will guide you in growing your relationship with Christ. You will find that the holy spirit will overwhelm you with joy and spark a fire in you to seek God more. Don’t just know God, but experience God. Your love for God will guide you in going deeper in your relationship with Christ.Philippians 1:9 says, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.”

Growing your love in Christ will develop every part of your character. When your love for God increases, so does your faith, strength, and courage. Your love for God is the key in taking you to the next step of your Christian life. A great example of the power of cultivating your love is from the life of Paul. For half of Paul’s life, he went through many trials as an apostle. He was thrown in prison many times for preaching the gospel of Christ. So how was he able to endure this hard journey? The answer is because of his love for God. He was even willing to die for Christ. Philippians 1:20 says, “..but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life of by death.” Wow, I pray that Paul’s love for God would be instilled in each of our hearts as well. Only God can provide us the strength that we need to move past our trials. Paul was able to have the strength to endue his sufferings because of his love for God, and it fueled his heart to keep going until his very execution of death.

There is power in growing your love for Christ. Investing your time to grow your love in Christ will help you go to the next level in your Christian journey. It takes you past just believing in God, but also loving him even through your suffering. It is very easy to be focused on what God should do for us and how he will make us happy, however, loving God also means willing to sacrifice and suffer for him. If you love God truly, you would be willing to sacrifice for him. Just as you love your family and are willing to sacrifice for them, God wants that kind of love but even greaterPhilippians 1:29 says, “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.”How deep your love to God also measures how deep your walk will be for him.

Cultivating your love for God will help strengthen you to face any problems in your life, just as how Paul overcame his trials. Your love for God will empower you to live a courageous life for God. So remember, cultivating your love to God will bring his power upon your life.

– Share below how your love for Christ has grown in your journey with him –

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