There’s More To Life Outside Your Sphere

by | Apr 7, 2017

It can be easy to stay in our same bubble of friends. We all have our own sphere of people that we’re comfortable being around with, but have you restricted your life to your comfort zone? Have you told yourself that there’s nothing more for you outside your sphere? The truth is, God has so much purpose and potential for you outside the people you know. There’s more to life outside your sphere.

I’ve always been a super shy person, and still a little today.

Back in High School, you would rarely see me raise my hand for discussions. I was known as the quiet girl, the one who had least to say.

But God transformed my life and taken me out of my shy self into the world for His glory. Through the Holy Spirit, I have been empowered to go beyond what I never thought I could do. I now have the boldness to share about Christ with my friends and family, my co-workers, and now God has taken it a step further and called me outside my sphere and into the world.

God has shown me the potential that He has for me to reach those in grocery stores, neighborhoods, malls, and anywhere else I might find myself at. I used to reserve myself to only those I knew, but now God has shown me that he too has a purpose and plan for me outside my sphere.

Life becomes more of an adventure when we see the potential and purpose God has for us beyond our sphere. 

Just recently, God put in my heart to join the evangelism outreach team on Saturdays. I was hesitant to go because I had always thought evangelism wasn’t my thing.

But God kept nudging me to go, so I went.

Now I realize why God had wanted me to go to that outreach because from there, my eyes were opened to the potential God had for me outside my sphere. I was able to pray and invite complete strangers to accept Christ, and I couldn’t help but wonder how many people I’ve passed by and ignored whom God might have wanted me to reach out to.

Many times we keep our lives to ourselves and ignore those around us. But what if you were just one stranger away from helping someone’s life for the better? Open your life to God and you will see him use you in ways you never knew He could.

God calls all of us to go out into the world and share his good news. Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Go into all the world means to go into your world, which might include your workplace, school, and other people you meet on any given day.

You have the power through God to change your world. God has given you the Holy Spirit to give you the power to witness about His goodness. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Your Jerusalem is your family, your Judea and Samaria is your work or school, and the ends of the earth is wherever else God may call you outside your sphere.

Are there people outside your sphere that God may be calling you to reach? Maybe that classmate you always sit next to? Or that neighbor you’ve never said hi to? They all may be strangers, but just because their strangers doesn’t mean God has no plan for you to be apart of their life.

God has plans for you that are far greater than you know. True fulfillment comes when we open our lives to be used by God. Live life with the mission to love like Jesus and to point others to the only hope there is which is Jesus. So remember, there’s more to life outside your sphere.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live a life that brings others to want to know you more.

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