Unnecessary Worry

by | Nov 14, 2017

We all have worries in life that seem hard to escape from. But what if we could live life without having to worry about what the future or how we will get there? The good news is there is a way to live life without unnecessary worry.

Do you have moments when you dream of your future? Huge dreams just hidden in your heart that you would love to see come to pass?

I sure do.

I have goals that I want to see happen in my ministry and many other desires that I would love to have in my life.

But the more I focused on my future and the things that had to get done, the more I started to worry.

I started asking God, “How will I get there? Are you sure I’ll be ok? How can I speed this process up?

The more I thought about my future, the more I wanted to get there faster and the more I started to take things into my own hands which only led me to worry.

It was during my quiet time with God that he showed me the cause of my worries: I was fixing my eyes on my future and not on Jesus

We invite worry into our lives when we lose our focus on Jesus. 

Matthew 6:34 says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Rest comes when we fix our eyes on Jesus and not in our tomorrows. God will reveal to us his provision and destination for our lives, but we are not to focus on the destination but on the God who will take us to our destination.

God only asks us to focus on following him and to trust that he will lead us the way to our destiny.

The life of Joshua in the Bible is a great example of one who followed God and received God’s promised victory in his life. God said to Joshua “get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to the IsraelitesI will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses” (Joshua 1:2-3).

Joshua didn’t worry about how he would obtain the victories and blessings that God had promised him because he knew he was with a God who would give him those very victories.

Just as God promised to lead Joshua to his promised land, God also promises he will lead us into our promised land.

The secret formula for achieving our God-given dreams is to simply obey God in everything. Deuteronomy 30:16 says, “For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

We don’t have to worry about how we will reach our destiny because it is God who will lead us to our destiny. It’s when we try to get to our destiny in our own strength that fears and worries start to overwhelm us. We must realize that all our worries are unnecessary.

God has already promised each of us that he has great plans to bless us, so why are we worrying that he won’t follow through? God has always been faithful to fulfill his good promises to those who obey him so we can be sure that God will also be faithful to us as we obey him.

We may not have arrived to our promise land yet, but we are entering to possess it. Our waiting season is the time for us to get ready to receive God’s promises. God knows the steps we need to take to reach our destiny.

Will you let go of your way and obey God’s way? Will you put your trust in a faithful God and believe that he knows the best for you?

When we focus on following Jesus and allow him to carry our burdens, we will find rest and peace in our journey. We have no reason to worry because through Jesus, we have become children of God and inherit all of his good promises. Galatians 3:29 says, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

God has a special plan for your life and his only agenda is to bless you and take you there. So remember, you can live life without unnecessary worry.

Prayer: Lord, only you know the way to my destiny. Help me to fix my eyes on you.


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