Walking Blindly With The Lord

by | Jul 5, 2018

If we had the choice to walk blindly or by sight, many of us would choose to see. It’s scary to walk blindly because we can’t see what’s ahead. While it may seem safer to have our eyes to rely on, we are called to walk blindly with the Lord.

There have been many times when I thought I knew better than God. God would point me in a direction, but I’d tell him, “Are you sure? It doesn’t look like that’s going to bring me where I need to be.

But as I spent time with God, He reminded me that He can see farther than I can.

As I journey with God, I learn that He is more reliable than what I can see or comprehend. What may make sense in my mind and to the world is often the exact opposite of God’s plans.

When God asked me to let go of pursuing my master’s degree, I thought that was the craziest idea ever. When He asked me to let go of a relationship I was in, I thought He was setting me up for disaster. But in both occasions (and many more), I’ve learned that God is always working for my good.

Because I let go of my master’s degree, God redirected me to Bible school which is exactly what I need for God’s calling on my life. Because I let go of my past relationship, I am now in a new relationship that is actually taking me closer to God’s destination for my life.

God knew all along what I needed and who I needed to be with to reach my destiny when I couldn’t see it at the moment. 

My eyes only tempted me to think that I knew better than God. Thank God I chose to live by faith and not by sight because then I was able to see God’s faithfulness come through.

Isaiah 55:9 reminds us, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God’s ways are always beyond what we can see. 

We will never be able to predict God’s ways because He works through the impossible. God loves to show off in our lives and He does so by doing things beyond we can think or imagine. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

God will not limit himself to our small-minded thinking. He wants to do miracles in our lives, but we must be willing to follow him even when it doesn’t make sense. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If we have been accustomed to making decisions based on our common sense, we must ask ourselves are we really walking by faith?

We read throughout scripture that the people God used all had to take steps of faith and get out of their comfort zone. God asked Abraham to leave his home and country to a land he couldn’t see. (Genesis 12:1). David who wasn’t trained up as a soldier was able to defeat Goliath, the greatest warrior of his time with just stones and a slingshot (1 Samuel 17:50). God asked Gideon to bring only 300 men to fight against thousands of Midianites. (Judges 7:7).

God asked them all to do what didn’t make sense so that He would have the glory. Scripture makes it clear that God was with them and it was God who brought them success. 

This is the God we serve – the God of the impossible. 

Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” God will never operate in our common sense ways because He doesn’t have to. If he can move in ways that will blow our minds away, He will do it for His glory.

What step of faith is God calling you to do? Will you put aside your fears and trust God despite what you see?

God wants us to learn to trust Him. It will require us to step into the unknown and believe God will come through.

Just as God was with Abraham, David, Gideon, and many others, He is also with us and for us. No matter what we go through, we can resting knowing God is always working for our good (Romans 8:28).   

We must remember that we are called to walk blindly with the Lord, trusting that He sees what we don’t. It’s normal to be moving forward without knowing everything. God wants us to learn to depend on Him and less on ourselvesWe shouldn’t wait until it all makes sense before we follow God.

It’s only when we are willing to surrender our ways to God that we will be able to see Him do wonders in our lives. May we take steps of faith so that we can say, “Not to us, Lord, but to your name be the glory..“(Psalm 115:1). So remember, walk blindly with the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, even when things don’t make sense, I trust that you see beyond what I can see.
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