You Can Depend On God

by | Apr 11, 2022

When the enemy attacks us, God takes it as an attack on Himself. Our ultimate help comes from God and He is more than able to come through for us. You can depend on God.

I’ve been reading in 2 Chronicles, and the Lord is showing me that we need to have a healthy fear of God and recognize that He is God Almighty. When we see Him rightly, we realize that He alone is our source of help.

We can find rest even in our most difficult moments because God is our defender. He promises to never leave or forsake us here on earth, and into eternity after death.

In 2 Chronicles 14, we see that King Asa was attacked by an army that outnumbered his army. Though he was faced with a threatening situation, he rested in God. Let us make King Asa’s prayer in verse 11, our prayer: “Lord, it is nothing for you to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name we go against this multitude. O Lord, You are our God; do not let man prevail against you!”

King Asa says, “do not let man prevail against You!” He knew that the attack from the Ethiopian army wasn’t toward his people but toward God. Therefore, King Asa rested on the truth that God was able to overcome the enemy and defend them — which is exactly what God did. We, too, need to put our rest in God and not in our circumstances.

Will you give your frustrations and fears to God and trust Him no matter your circumstance?

Nothing is impossible for God. If God was able to help King Asa who only had an army of around 500 thousand men, while Zehra had an army of around a million men then God surely can come through for you.

Common sense says it would be impossible for King Asa to win this battle, but faith says that God can. Declare over your situation that God can.

When you are tempted to dwell in anxiety and fear, remember that God hears your prayers. It can be easy to look to our own ability or the things of this world to be our solution, but let us always depend on God, who is our ultimate help.

Unfortunately, King Asa later forgot what God had done years back when He delivered his people from Zehra. Instead of going to God for help and counsel when King Baasha of Israel came to attack, he sought the help of King Aram, who was not even a kingdom that God wanted His people to partner with (2 Chronicles 16:7-9).

Let us be people who seek God for help. When we try to be the solution to our own problems, we open the door to being misled and falling into the traps of the enemy.

We only have one Savior, and that is Jesus.

What would it look like if we believed that God is our ultimate help? Only God is reliable. Our abilities cannot compare to God. No amount of finances can compare to God. No other people or gods can compare to the Almighty God. Peace comes when we remember that, as children of God, our lives are in His hands. God wants us to cast our anxieties on Him and know that He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

When we fully surrender our lives to Jesus, we are guaranteed to see God’s goodness and mercy all the days of our lives (Psalm 23:6). We are not promised a life with no troubles, but we are promised to have the comfort and power of God to get us through victoriously. God has testimonies that He wants to birth through your life, but it will require you to depend on Him.

Will you put your trust in God and choose not to worry?

We should always be at rest because God is for us, and is Almighty. He alone is the One who can keep us safe from harm. This is a simple truth that life will test us on. Fearful thoughts will creep in; but in those moments, we must remind ourselves that God is for us. So remember, you can depend on God.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being my help in times of trouble. Help me to rely on You, and You alone, to carry me through.

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