Your Weaknesses Are A Part Of Your Calling

by | Jan 23, 2017

We all have things in our lives that we aren’t good at; whether it’s public speaking, writing, creativity, or whatever it may be, your weaknesses were made for so much more. God has the power to use your weaknesses for His glory. Your weaknesses are a part of your calling.

I grew up throughout High School hating writing. English was always my weakest subject and grammar was never my thing. I never considered writing to be my profession and never could I ever imagine God using me through writing.

But then College hit and it was during that time when I heard God call me to share his goodness through writing. I still remember hesitating and being completely embarrassed to share my first blog post on Facebook. I told God many times, “Are you sure you want me to share this? Would people even be able to relate to my writing? Could my writing even be understood?” 

So many hesitations and doubts came in my mind telling me that I shouldn’t post my blog. But I’m glad that I took the step of faith and pursued the calling that God had for me through writing. I see lives getting touched through my blog and it’s not because I’m a good writer, but because of the Holy Spirit working through me.

God calls you not because you are capable of fulfilling the call, but because He is capable of fulfilling the call through you. 

Your calling will always require you to have faith in God and not yourself. Rarely will God call you to do something that you are capable of doing alone. God wants you to know that you can do what you do because of His power and grace.

I am a living testimony of God’s ability to use your weaknesses for His very purpose. Don’t let the feeling of “I’m not good enough” stop you from pursuing God’s purpose for you. Even Moses and Isaiah, two men whom God used greatly in the bible were hesitant of God’s calling on their life.

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, his response was, “…Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11). Isaiah a prophet of God also didn’t feel qualified to pursue God’s purpose for him. Isaiah’s initial response to God’s call was, “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips..” (Isaiah 6:5).

Although Moses and Isaiah doubted their ability and worth to fulfill God’s calling, they put their trust in God and not themselves. They were able to fulfill God’s calling and live lives that testified of His glory because of God’s power at work through them. God doesn’t call us because we are good enough, but because He is good enough.

God responded to Moses’s hesitation with, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12). Just as God promised to be with Moses, so does God promise to be with us. God calls the weak so that His strength may be known through us. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “…My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God’s power was made to perfect your weaknesses so that your weaknesses could glorify Him.

What is God calling you to do? Are you letting your weaknesses limit how God can use you? Feeling “not good enough” is normal, but don’t let it stop you from living out God’s plan for you. If Moses had not stepped out in faith and pursued God’s calling for him, the Israelites would not have been saved. If I had allowed my doubts to tell me that I wasn’t good enough to write, I would never have been able to see God’s powerful hand touch lives through my writing.

God plans to use your life to touch and change lives, but you must make the decision to live by faith even in the midst of your own weaknesses. God prepares those he calls, and he will prepare you as well. God doesn’t ask you to know it all or have it all, but to simply depend on Him and follow His directions. So remember, your weaknesses are a part of your calling.

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