Representing Our Best to God

Representing Our Best to God

  It is always hard to represent God during our stressful and bad kind of days, but that is when we need to represent God the most in our lives. Use this as your daily morning prayer.  ...
Teasing Into The Past

Teasing Into The Past

Ever find yourself reminiscing in your past? Or even taking a slight minute to indulge in the past sins that you have already stopped doing? It can be easy taking your mind into the past journey you once walked. It’s our human tendency to go back to what we once...
Why Bad Things Happen

Why Bad Things Happen

Have there been times in your life when you were angry at God because you felt that he had abandoned you? Times when everything that should have been good turned to bad? Times when your life was filled with failures and threats to a point where you had to ask,...

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