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Is Perfect Peace Real?

Is Perfect Peace Real?

Is it possible to have perfect peace in our busy and ever-demanding lives? How can we have peace when life is full of risks and worries? Life will never stop bringing us troubles and worries, however, there is a way to attain perfect peace throughout any situation we...

The Greatest Weapon

The Greatest Weapon

Feeling exhausted from fighting your own battles? Have you allowed stress to pile up and control your life? Hardships can easily take off our focus from what truly matters in our life. So what is the greatest weapon to fight our battles? Exodus 14:14 says, "The...

Why Good Things Must Go

Why Good Things Must Go

Has God ever asked you to let go of something good in your life? Ever wondered why good things need to end? There will come a time when we will have to let go of things in our life - not just any thing, but good things. This is certainly not easy to do, but...

How To Hear From God in 3 Steps

How To Hear From God in 3 Steps

Have there been times when you waited to hear from God but heard nothing? Read the bible or prayed but received no revelations? Came to the conclusion that God has nothing to say to you? The fact is that God would love to take any moment to speak to you. So how do we...

The Weights of Worry

The Weights of Worry

Do you have a list of unlimited worries and burdens that you carry around everyday? Feeling distracted from your daily tasks because of your fears of the unknown? If so, how then can you remove the worries off your mind? It was Sunday morning and I found myself...

A Taste of Sin

A Taste of Sin

Many of us understand what sin is and have come to know the sins stated in the Bible, yet how come we still try to compensate and desire for a taste of sin? How far will a taste of sin cause to our lives? Can we truly live a life pleasing to God while bypassing his...

Chasing The Right Trophy

Chasing The Right Trophy

We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations that we work hard on everyday to achieve, but have you ever wondered if you are chasing the right trophy? If all your hard work was what God had originally planned for you to do? How can we know if we are under God's will and...

You Have The Power

You Have The Power

Have you ever felt helpless and cornered out with no more clever solutions to your problems? Given hopeless prayers to God in desperation? When life gets tough, it can seem impossible to believe that you have the power to fix your problems. It can even be hard to...

Why Is Jesus So Far Away?

Why Is Jesus So Far Away?

Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to leave? Why did Jesus have to go back to heaven while leaving us alone to struggle in this sinful world? There have been times in my life where I imagined how good life would be if Jesus were living right here with us. We could...


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