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Are You Moved By Love Or Performance?

Are You Moved By Love Or Performance?

Society measures our success based on our performance. While our performance does matter, being moved by love is most important. Love will take us to greater heights, leaving no room for anxiousness. Are you moved by love or performance? Being the ambitious...

God Gets You

God Gets You

It's exciting to meet someone who gets us. Although we may have an instant connection with those who understand us, no one can relate to us as much as God does. He knows our ins and outs more than anyone else. God gets you. For the longest time, I spent my...

Fall In Love With God

Fall In Love With God

We all desire to "fall in love", but the perception is we can only experience this when we are in a relationship. But what if we could still experience this as a single person? We can be in a relationship with God and encounter a love like never before....

Press Through The Drought

Press Through The Drought

Drought seasons are a time when we experience a shortage of our needs. While this may seem like the worst season to be in, it's actually the season where we will grow the most. Press through the drought. As a single person, the thing I desired most was...

It’s Because Of Jesus

It’s Because Of Jesus

We've been taught that we have greater value as we do more good things whether at work or school. But this concept doesn't apply in our relationship with God. Our value in God's eye is not based on our works, but on what Jesus did for us. It's because...

Embrace Awkwardness For The Gospel

Embrace Awkwardness For The Gospel

We all try to avoid being in situations that will embarrass us. We avoid taking risks because of fear of being wrong. But what if the only thing holding us back from witnessing miracles was our fear of awkwardness? Embrace awkwardness for the gospel. I was...

Trust God In The Uncomfortable

Trust God In The Uncomfortable

No one likes feeling uncomfortable. Our natural instinct is to run away from whatever makes us feel uneasy. But it's when we go through the trials and hardships that we come out stronger than ever before. Trust God in the uncomfortable. I don't like feeling...

Don’t Be Afraid To Dream Big

Don’t Be Afraid To Dream Big

We all have big dreams that we desire to see come to pass. But the moment we realize our dreams are bigger than we are, it's easy to keep it to ourselves or throw away the dream. But what if our dreams were made to be bigger than us? Don't be afraid to...

Start The New Year Right

Start The New Year Right

We all want to start the new year right. While there are many ways to start the new year, there's only one way to start and end the new year with God's favor. Will you start the new year right?  2017 has been one of the best years of my life....


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