by Gaby Santiago | May 9, 2022 | Podcast, Relationship With God
We have access to God’s rest anywhere and at any time by abiding in the secret place. The secret place is where we encounter God alone. I have been spending time with God in the morning, but throughout the day, I was bombarded with busyness and allowed fearful...
by Gaby Santiago | Apr 11, 2022 | God's Love, Podcast, Relationship With God
We are irreplaceable in the Lord’s eyes and we matter to Him because We are His. Recently, I was asking God for a greater revelation of His love for me. He then reminded me that He died on the cross for ME. This truth finally hit me, and I now understand that...
by Gaby Santiago | Apr 11, 2022 | Overcoming Fear, Podcast, Walking In Faith
When the enemy attacks us, God takes it as an attack on Himself. Our ultimate help comes from God and He is more than able to come through for us. You can depend on God. I’ve been reading in 2 Chronicles, and the Lord is showing me that we need to have a healthy...
by Gaby Santiago | Mar 19, 2022 | Podcast, Relationship With God, Staying Positive
Remembering what Jesus did for us helps us to love Him rightly and have a heart of gratitude. This is why you should remember. I had lived a life full of lies, so I know how it feels to carry shame. But praise Jesus that I no longer have to carry that shame because...
by Gaby Santiago | Mar 15, 2022 | Holiness, Podcast, Relationship With God
It is crucial that you know how to guard your heart because everything you do flows from it. The first place the enemy will target is your heart, so guard your heart. The Lord has been telling me recently that if I want to continue burning for Him, I need to steward...
by Gaby Santiago | Feb 17, 2022 | Holiness, Podcast, Relationship With God
How we live is how we exalt God. The world exalts what is evil, but we are called to exalt what is holy by living a holy life. This is what it means to exalt God. Recently, I had one of those mornings where I didn’t feel like getting up, yet I had a serving role...
by Gaby Santiago | Feb 17, 2022 | Podcast, Walking In Faith
Without vision, we cannot get to where we need to be. This is why vision is important in fulfilling God’s greatest commandment to love Him. Let’s make our vision this year to love Jesus well. The Lord has been reminding me that I need to make my vision...
by Gaby Santiago | Jan 18, 2022 | Podcast, Relationship With God
Spending time with Jesus is necessary to be rooted and one with Jesus. We also receive God’s grace as we get in His Word and spend time with Him. Spending time with Jesus is important. Recently, I’ve recognized that there has been a lack of grace over my...
by Gaby Santiago | Jan 13, 2022 | Podcast, Relationship With God
God doesn’t want us to see Jesus as a burden. He wants us to see the beauty of Jesus. As I was praying for this Christmas, God was telling me that He longs for us to see the beauty of His Son. God gave us Jesus so that we could be saved and be with Him for...
by Gaby Santiago | Dec 28, 2021 | Podcast, Relationship With God
Our good deeds without love mean nothing to God. God wants our love because our love matters to Him. Recently, I have been very busy. I knew it was important to prioritize time with Jesus, so I did just that, but my heart wasn’t in it. I made sure I spent time...