A Life Of Security

A Life Of Security

We’re all drawn to things that say 100% guarantee. It gives us a sense of security with no risks involved. As much as we desire security in our jobs, school, relationships, and life, there is no 100% guarantee in life. So how can we have a life of security? A...
Joy Is Attainable

Joy Is Attainable

When we’re going through the hardest times of our lives, the one thing we want is to have joy – to be able to rejoice and be happy. Yet when we’re faced with our darkest moments, joy can seem too far away for us to grasp. However, with God joy...
You Are Chosen

You Are Chosen

We all want to be chosen; whether it’s for that job we’ve been applying for or that group we’ve been dreaming of being a part of, we all have places where we want to be chosen. But have we forgotten that we are already chosen by the most high God?...

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