The Bliss of Remembering

by | Feb 9, 2015

Thanksgiving is just a few more days ahead! Despite the yummy food and happy gatherings with family and friends, thanksgiving is a great time to remember and be thankful for everything that we have. Be thankful for everything because everything that you have is given from God alone. The people that he has brought to your life, such as friends and family are all from him. Always remember to be in thanksgiving not just for the next coming days but for your everyday lives. Life can easily take our minds off of God, but it is important to always remember God in our daily lives. We want to keep our eyes focused on him so we can always reflect his love and mercy in our actions. This is certainly hard to do at times, but never give up trying! Remembering God will bring you abundant blessings to your life.


It is good to take a moment everyday in our busy lives to remember God and the sacrifice he has given for us. Remembering God and his everlasting love will renew you and give you strengthendurance, and perseverance to stay positive and keep going. Reading the bible and dispersing yourself in God’s presence is a great way to remind us of God’s love for us. We all need reminding to stay strong in this long and hard journey of life. While we know that God always remembers us, we also have the duty as a Christian to remember God as well. Psalm 105:5 says, “remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgements he pronounced”. Remembering God will also give you the power to surrender your life to him because God has control over every part of our life. He is the source to heal any broken heart, to strengthen the weak, to love the unlovable, and to break all the chains in your life. God wants us to remember him and his glory. Psalm 105:8-9 says, “He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations, the convenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac ” Just like how God kept his promise of giving an inheritance of generations to come to the faithful Abraham, God will also remember you if you remember him and are faithful to God. If you live your life to serve and love God, he will bless you in return and his favor will  be upon you.


Psalm 25:6-7 says, “Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.”God will always remember us, his love never forgets. The only love that can endure forever is God’s love. God’s love for us is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His blessings are always waiting for those who remember and love him. So remember, because God always remembers us, we should always remember him.

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