Living Set Free

Living Set Free

We all want to be set free from negative self-talk, anxiety, lustful desires, emotional instability, and more. Maybe you have tried everything you can but certain thoughts still hold you captive. The truth is we can walk in freedom where such things no longer take...
Investing Into Eternity

Investing Into Eternity

It can be easy to get caught up in the world we live in and forget to invest in eternity. We can become so consumed with our own needs that we forget the treasure in investing in people. There is life after death and there are many who need to know Jesus. We have the...
Believe For The More

Believe For The More

Miracles can only happen when we choose to believe for more. This is the season to believe for the more. I left my full time job to establish Living Revelations Ministries. There have been moments of fear and discouragement, but I continue to speak God’s promises over...

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