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A True Praise To God

A True Praise To God

Romans 12:12 "..Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship" We can praise God with our lips, but true praise comes from the heart that overflows into our actions. Our words alone are the last thing that God...

It’s Ok To Be Treated Wrongly

It’s Ok To Be Treated Wrongly

We live in a society where being treated wrongly is unacceptable, and it becomes justifiable to defend ourselves regardless if our defense offends the other. We see being treated badly as wrong and immoral, however, it only takes a change of perspective to see that...

Am I Called To Evangelize?

Am I Called To Evangelize?

Many of us have heard about missionaries and people evangelizing, sharing the gospel to all. You've probably seen those close and far to you evangelize as well. But have you ever considered if you were also called to evangelize? How do we know if we are called to...

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up

It can be easy to see failure as an indicator that you're not good enough to do the task. When your path is full of consistent failure and slow progress, it is hard to have a reason to not give up. At what point should you give up? There might be a million...

The Power Of A Changed Life

The Power Of A Changed Life

Do you hate change? It is easy to do what you always do because living with no change requires no extra effort. Change however can be fearing and difficult, but it is change that will challenge you into something better. There is power in a changed life. Many of us...

The Gift Of Life

The Gift Of Life

Psalm 96:2 "Sing to the Lord, praise his name. Tell of his salvation from day to day." We spend most of our lives grumbling about the inconveniences of life, but did you know that the things you grumble about are a part of a great gift from God? The gracious gift that...

Living Outside Of God’s Boundaries

Living Outside Of God’s Boundaries

Have you ever wondered what was on the other side of the world? Or maybe even wondered what it would be like living outside of God's boundaries? Our human curiosity can take us to a negative route if we are not careful with where it could lead us. We can give credit...

How To Make The Best Of It When People Hurt You

How To Make The Best Of It When People Hurt You

It's never a pleasant experience when people hurt you. Why? Because it simply hurts.  The sad truth is that as long as you live with people, they will hurt you. But the good news is, instead of letting hurtful situations leave you and the other hurting, you can...

Creating A Pure Heart

Creating A Pure Heart

Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a pure heart, O God.." A Pure heart can only come from God, for we cannot create one of our own. If we want a pure heart, we must ask God for it through prayer. Our prayers to God should not only be focused on blessings, but also in our...


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