Draw Near To God

Draw Near To God

God is always available, but we must draw near to Him for Him to draw near to us. Draw near to God while He may be found.  There have been times when I have gone through the day and disregarded God besides the morning time. I want to live every day acknowledging that...
The Joy Of The Cross

The Joy Of The Cross

Jesus chose the cross because He chose you. He endured the cross with joy because He knew you were worth it. You are His reason for the joy of the cross.  There is a powerful love that flows from knowing that Jesus took away the wrath we deserved by nailing it to the...
Are you seeking God?

Are you seeking God?

Many times we stop at asking God and don’t take the time to seek for what we ask. God has given us the ability to seek Him and the very things we ask for. Are you seeking God? There have been times when I have stopped at just asking God in prayer what I need....

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